Coordinator, Scholarly Teaching and Learning
Center for Integrated Professional Development
David J. Giovagnoli earned his M.A. in English and B.A. in Classics from Truman State University and is finishing his Ph.D. in English Studies at Illinois State University. His work focuses on how new instructors form narratives about themselves and their teaching, in the context of training and academic development programs for graduate students. He was named Coordinator, Scholarly Teaching and Learning at the Center for Integrated Professional Development in 2022.
As an academic developer, David has worked at the Center since 2020, facilitating Safe Zone, Design Your Course, the Future Faculty Learning Community, Instructional Design for Future Faculty, and College Teaching for Future Faculty. As a course instructor, he has taught writing and English courses at ISU and Truman at the graduate and undergraduate levels, including First-Year Composition, Honors First-Year Composition, Writing Across the Academic Disciplines, Technical and Professional Communication, and a graduate seminar in Composition Pedagogy. He was a member of the Writing Program Leadership Team for three years, including two years mentoring new English instructors and running new instructor orientation for the writing program.
Outside of work, David enjoys learning new languages, travel, and creative writing. He is an unabashed Star Trek fan, as evidenced by the portrait of Lieutenant Commander Data in his office.
As Coordinator, Scholarly Teaching and Learning, David’s primary focus is on advancing scholarly teaching and SoTL through academic development initiatives and programming. He works with instructors through individual consultations, Midterm Chats (Small Group Instructional Diagnoses), and workshops by request. He facilitates graduate student programming, including College Teaching for Future Faculty, Course Design for Future Faculty, and the Future Faculty Learning Community. He leads the online component of New Faculty Orientation and assists in the planning and delivery of the face-to-face components. He also facilitates Course Design for Early Career Faculty, in addition to other workshops. As part of the University's ongoing exploration of Artificial Intelligence, he serves on the Committee for the Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence. He conducts original research on teaching and learning, in conjunction with members of other units and colleagues at the Center.
Cuenca-Carlino, Y., Friberg, J., Giovagnoli, D., Meyers, D., Catanzaro, S., and Karraker, D. (2023). “Creating a Data-Informed Signature Pedagogy for Academic Development.” 28(3), 334-347.
Giovagnoli, D., and Kuhns, J. (2019). “Planting, Harvesting, Writing: The Literate Activity Systems of a Regional Agricultural Cooperative” Grassroots Writing Research Journal, 9(2), 151-159.
Hackett, A. and Giovagnoli, D. (2016). “Coordinating Care: The Literate Activity Systems of Hospital Nursing.” Grassroots Writing Research Journal, 7(2), 33-42.
Giovagnoli, D. (2015). “On Space Battles, Character Development, and Overwriting: Genre Interference in Textual Roleplaying.” Grassroots Writing Research Journal, 6(1), 109-119.
POD Network
National Council of the Teachers of English
Conference on College Composition and Communication
Phi Kappa Phi
Eta Sigma Phi