Teaching Philosophy
Teaching is a sacred opportunity to help a student understand how to take the next step in their life journey.
My motivation to become a college professor comes from
An innate and life-long desire to never stop learning and to inspire others to explore and appreciate all that education has to offer.
The most challenging aspect of teaching for me is
Trying to stay current with the ways my students prefer to learn. Change is omnipresent, and learners are changing faster than ever. While I try to embrace new technology, I am aware I must balance tried and true teaching methods against those that are the latest fad.
The one teaching technique or strategy that I would recommend to my colleagues to enhance student learning the most is
Help students appreciate the life success factors we don't always teach them about in classrooms. Give them coaching and mentoring on what it takes to be a good employee, a good citizen, and just a good person. They are watching us, and we need to be role models for them. The theories and concepts are required. But giving encouragement and building up confidences is an integral part of the successful teaching equation.