Teaching Philosophy
My goal as a teacher (and advisor) is to help students become active participants in their education and can be summarized in three words: Engage, Nurture, and Grow.
My motivation to become a college professor comes from …
The initial spark of motivation came from my sister. When I graduated with my bachelor's degree, teaching was far from my mind. But, about two years into my professional career, I found myself searching for a new direction. While talking with my sister, she said, "You know, Liz, you really remind me of my speech teacher in college. I think you would be good at teaching college students." In that moment, a light bulb went off and her comment changed the whole trajectory of my career.
I want to continue to improve my teaching in the following ways …
The increased focus on diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, as well as student success initiatives on campus has prompted me to take more critical eye at my own course designs and assessments to ensure my courses are providing an equitable and inclusive environment where all students feel safe, valued, and empowered to learn and grow.
Regarding my teaching accomplishments, I am proudest about … Best compliment that I’ve received from a student was …
"She really cared for us. I can tell she really wants her students to succeed."
The best moment/event in my teaching career is … and from it I learned …
Commencement is one of my favorite times of year on campus. Students frequently stop by my office in their cap and gown to say good-bye and thank me for supporting them through their journey. It's humbling and inspiring to see how much our students care about Illinois State, their community, and their future as young professionals. I'm proud to be a small part of their journey!
"If we show genuine compassion toward our students and their success, I believe they put forth extra effort in the classroom, which can lead to amazing self-discovery."