Our visual design staff can help you create cutting edge graphics that will produce high quality images for presentations, posters, print, or the web. We can print full color images from 8.5" x 11" to poster sizes up to 40" by any length. For additional available services and related costs on the Service Charges page.
Thank you for considering the Center for Integrated Professional Development for your poster production needs.
Students should submit their poster for printing no later than Friday, March 28, 2025.
Students will not be charged for posters produced at the standard size of 48 x 36 or smaller. Students will be charged for posters larger than 48 x 36. Note: Only one side your poster may be more than 40 inches. To determine or adjust the size of your poster in PowerPoint, see this helpful guide.
Submit your poster production request using the Research Symposium button below. For printing requests for all other events, please use the Other Printing button.
Students will be notified by email when they can pick up finished posters in Williams Hall.
Create Your Research Poster Using PowerPoint video available on the Center for Integrated Professional Development YouTube Channel
We can print any of the following file types:
*PowerPoint files created with earlier versions of the software may include format errors for which we cannot take responsibility. Members of the campus community can get the latest version of PowerPoint through Office365.IllinoisState.edu.
Embedded fonts: In order to ensure your poster prints as intended, fonts must be embedded in your PowerPoint file using these instructions. Failing to embed fonts may result in substitutions which will noticeably alter your design; the Center is not responsible for design changes caused by a lack of embedded fonts.
We do offer foam core and you may choose to either have us permanently mount your poster to foam core or you can purchase a piece of a foam core separately. Please check our Service Charges page for pricing.
We accept the following methods of payment:
We offer competitive pricing as compared to other production resources in town. Please refer to our Service Charges page for pricing. Our large format printer is full color and it will not change the price if you choose to create your poster in black and white.
Some common sizes and pricing follow.*
Size: 48 in x 36 in
Printing only: $62
Printing and Lamination: $75
Printing and mounting to foam core: $97.63
Printing and mounting to foam core and lamination: $110.63
Size: 40 in x 30 in
Printing only: $46.50
Printing and Lamination: $56.25
Printing and mounting to foam core: $71
Printing and mounting to foam core and lamination: $80.75
* The above prices are based on the teaching-and-research-related rates and are subject to change. Pricing can vary depending on how many pieces are being printed at one time. Please contact us for specific price quotes. Include the following information in your email: