From the Rich Text Editor (RTE), click the Record/Upload Media button and choose Upload/Record Media.
Click on the Record tab in the window that opens.
The Upload Media recorder allows you to record either Webcam with Audio by simply clicking the Start Recording button. To record Audio only, disable the webcam by clicking on the Webcam button and choosing “No Video” .
When done, clicking Finish will give you the option to name your video and clicking Save Media will insert that video into your Canvas course.
Clicking the Start Over button as you’re recording or after you click Finish will delete the current video and allow you to try your recording again.
Note: Video recorded outside of Studio using the Rich Text Editor (RTE) are saved as part of that course’s data allotment and stored in the Uploaded Media folder in Files. Video recorded in the RTE are not saved in your Studio library.
From your Studio Library, click on the Record button in the upper-right and choose Screen Capture.
The first time you do this, you will have to install the screen capture app. This is a one-time install on any browser and computer on which you use the Canvas Studio recorder
In the Studio library, you can add a custom thumbnail by clicking on the three dots on a video and choosing Replace Thumbnail. In the open dialogue box, find the .jpg or .png of the image you’d like the video to display when embedded, select it, then click Open. The picture will now display as that video’s thumbnail.
Sharing your videos with students can be done by inserting them directly from your Studio Library. To share directly, you have to be in the Rich Text Editor.
Note: For accessibility reasons, always use the embed code from YouTube, Vimeo, or any other external video source and not from your Studio library.
This list defaults to the most recently uploaded videos at the top, but can also be searched by file name. This is one reason why being mindful of the names of your files can be important. Your video will be embedded at your cursor.
Embedding a video using embed code from Canvas Studio is typically unnecessary, but to do so:
To embed a video:
To add embed code in the RTE of Canvas, click the three vertical dots on the end of the toolbar (yellow highlight] and then click on the Embed cloud button (green highlight)
If you want to add a video from Canvas Studio directly to a module as a stand-alone item:
To add closed captioning to your videos:
You’ll get an email when the
captions are complete.
To edit and enable your captions:
This will bring you to the editor where you can fix any mistakes the speech-to-text engine has made.
You can share your videos anywhere by clicking on the three dots on a video from inside your Studio library and clicking Share.
Add an email address if you want to share it with individuals (they will receive an email with a link) or click on the Links tab for more options. The first time you do this with a video, you will have to click the Create Public Link button.
The Link field can be copied to allow anyone access to the video if they have the URL. The Embed Code field can be copied to embed the video on the web where allowed (including as part of a quiz question in Canvas).