The Center for Integrated Professional Development and its campus partners offer professional development opportunities available specifically for graduate students interested in careers as instructors in higher education.
This circle is appropriate for any graduate student, whether currently teaching as an instructor of record, serving as a teaching assistant, or considering college teaching as a career path.
Discover ways to promote EDI in your classes and across campus and explore ways to build a community of learners, deal with challenging subject matter, and meet the needs of a diverse student population.
In this new series from the Online Education team at the Center for Integrated Professional Development, Maker Days are a space where instructors can work independently and collaboratively to discuss topics related to teaching and develop artifacts that can be used in their courses.
Science of Learning
Impact of Course Design
Evidence-Based Pedagogy
Classroom Climate and Culture
Feedback and Assessment Loop
Data-Informed Reflection
K. Patricia Cross endowed the Cross Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University in honor of her father, Clarence L. Cross, a beloved teacher of physics at ISU for over 30 years.
The Cross Chair supports and enables the demonstration of Illinois State University’s commitment to the promotion of scholarship and research on the teaching and learning of Illinois State University students.