Troubleshooting Opscan Scores
Uploading to Canvas
If you encounter one of the following errors when uploading Opscan grades into Canvas, there are a few things you can try to correct the problem. If you still have problems after going through these tips, please feel free to contact our Canvas Support Staff by emailing or calling (309) 438-2542.
In general, be sure to do the following when preparing to upload Opscan grades to Canvas:
- You must always use lowercase email addresses in the SIS Login ID column. Capital letters will not work.
- You must specify the maximum number of points possible on every assignment. You should create the assignment in Canvas before you attempt to import the grades, and you should set the points when you create the assignment.
- Students with no email addresses in the SIS Login ID column will not be matched to students in the course roster. You must have an email address entered for every grade in the gradebook.
Common Issues
- Changing the name of a test from "Untitled-Opscan"
- The title of the test or quiz that shows up in Canvas isn’t the same name entered in the “Scores for Canvas” file
If you see "Untitled-Opscan," you can rename the entry in Canvas using the following steps:
- Go to the Assignments page and find Untitled-Opscan in the list.
- Click the Edit button and change the name.
- Save your changes.
To prevent this in the future, set the assignment name in the Scores file before uploading it.
Check the name for the exam in the CSV file in the first row. That is the name of the test that the scores will attempt to be placed in. By default, this is set to “Untitled-Opscan” and should be changed by you to the same name as the assignment you created.
Canvas Error Messages
- “You uploaded rows for the following students, I couldn’t decide which student in your class they are. Please tell me which student they are.”
- “CSV Header row invalid.”
- “An unknown error has occurred. Verify the CSV file or try again later.”
- “You uploaded some assignments that don't appear to be in your gradebook before now. Please tell me if it is a new assignment, or if it represents an existing assignment.”
There are several possible solutions for this error message:
- If you had to type in one or more missing email addresses, one of those addresses might be incorrect. You can leave this page and go back to the Grades page; the upload is canceled at this point. You can go back to your Scores file and fix the incorrect email addresses and try again.
- If you have enough information from the scanned name to match it to a student, you can manually tell Canvas which student should be assigned the grade using the drop-down menu next to the scanned name.
- One or more students took the assessment and then decided to drop the class. The roster of students in Canvas is updated from Campus Solutions twice a day, and it is possible that a student dropped the class since they took your assessment. You will be asked what to do with any student that is not matched against your roster. You can choose to ignore that row in the data using the drop-down menu next to the scanned name.
- Make sure to delete the column of UIDs from the file before saving it as CSV. Otherwise, the CSV file won’t have the correct format.
- You may have changed the name of a column header other than the header for the column of grades. The column headers in the file must be as follows:
- Student Name
- Student ID
- SIS User ID
- SIS Login ID
- Section
- Your preferred assignment name
You may have tried to upload the Excel XLSX file. Save the file as a CSV file and upload the CSV file.
The entered test name does not match an existing assignment. You have three choices:
- If you have already created the assignment in the Assignments page, you can assign the grades by using the drop-down menu next to the test name that is shown.
- You can leave this page and go back to the Grades page; the upload is canceled at this point. Go back and fix the test name in your Scores file and try to upload the file again.
- You can still add the grades, but you must enter how many points are possible. By default, the column will be called the name you listed as the first entry in the column of grades. You can then go in and change the title by clicking the title of the column, going to the assignment page in the Assignments section, and editing the title of the assignment there.