Learning communities are professional development opportunities where a group of instructors meets regularly to discuss pedagogical strategies and challenges to improve their teaching. We offer the following learning communities this semester.
Join your peers in this open and welcoming environment designed to reduce your stress and increase your success! Explore topics which inform your teaching, scholarship, and career advancement.
This circle is appropriate for any graduate student, whether currently teaching as an instructor of record, serving as a teaching assistant, or considering college teaching as a career path.
Register for this session by Friday, February 7
Join the Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) and the Center for Integrated Professional Development (CIPD) in reading The Age of Insecurity: Coming together as Things Fall Apart by Astra Taylor. In a time when people are feeling tired and overwhelmed by politics, social unrest, financial stress, and shifts in the workplace, it is important to rethink concepts of security and insecurity. Taylor suggests that even in these troubled times, we can develop caring, inclusive, and sustainable forms of security to navigate the challenges our times.
A limited number of copies will be available on a first-come basis through the CCE. You can also borrow copies from Milner Library or I-Share. Read more about the book online. Once registered, request a book through Dana Karraker at dmkarra@ilstu.edu or Paige Buschman at pebusc2@ilstu.edu. We will coordinate getting a copy to you. Registration required.
Once registered, request a book through Dana Karraker at dmkarra@ilstu.edu or Paige Buschman at pebusc2@ilstu.edu. We will coordinate getting a copy to you.
Synchronous Sessions:
All meetings are from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on their respective days
Tuesday, February 11
Tuesday, March 4
Tuesday, March 25
Paige Buschman, Center for Civic Engagement
Dana Karraker, Center for Integrated Professional Devleopment
Teaching can be an isolating experience. This reading group, intended for those who have been teaching at Illinois State for over four years, allows faculty to engage in discussions, encourage peer support, build networks, and develop mentorship connections. Gain new confidence in yourself and your ability to teach!
During the Spring semester, we will read Uncommon Sense Teaching: Practical Insights in Brain Science to Help Students Learn by Barbara Oakley as the springboard for our conversations. Student motivation and long-term retention of knowledge (e.g., ensuring concepts are not “immediately forgotten after a test”) will be key areas of focus. We will use the text to find ideas for slight changes we can make in our classes to see positive impacts on our student learning and motivation.
Reading assignments are kept to reasonable amounts between our biweekly meetings and encouraged, though not required, for participation. We will meet six times throughout the semester to discuss the book and support each other in our teaching across disciplines. Feel free to bring your lunch!
To join this group, contact Dr. Sarah Boesdorfer, sbboesd@ilstu.edu
All meetings are from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on their respective days
Wednesday, February 5
Wednesday, February 19
Wednesday, March 5
Wednesday, March 19
Wednesday, April 2
Wednesday, April 16
Williams 326
Sarah Boesdorfer,
If you need a special accommodation to fully participate in a Center event or service, please contact the Center at ProDev@ilstu.edu.