Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Marriott Hotel and Conference Center
Normal, IL
Many thanks to all those who made the 2012 Teaching and Learning Symposium a success! CTLT would especially like to thank all those who took the time to prepare posters and presentations, all those who provided financial support for the event, all those who served as speakers and/or session chairs, and—of course—all those who took time from their busy schedules to attend this event.
Kent Weeks,
Keynote Speaker
The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology is proud to announce that Kent Weeks will give the Keynote Address at the 2012 Teaching and Learning Symposium, which will be held on January 11, 2012 at the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in uptown Normal.
An award-winning professor also hailed as legal counsel on many campuses around the globe, Dr. Weeks merges his experiences with current research, hard data, and anecdotal evidence to examine civility issues on college campuses.
Dr. Weeks will share his insights and discuss the role of civility in campus climate during his keynote address.
In addition to being the author of the recently released book In Search of Civility: Confronting Incivility on the College Campus; Dr. Weeks is the senior attorney with the law association of Weeks & Anderson, in Nashville, Tennessee.
A Fulbright scholar, Weeks earned a B.A. degree from the College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio; a M.A. in Political Science from the University of New Zealand, New Zealand; a law degree from Duke University, Durham, North Carolina; and a Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
Erin A. Mikulec, Curriculum and Instruction; Paul Miller, Purdue University North Central
One of the major challenges in preparing pre-service teachers for the 21st-century classroom, as well as for an increasingly competitive job market, is providing the necessary skills and background to effectively educate diverse populations of students. In order to address this challenge, a group of pre-service teachers, whose own understanding of diversity is often narrowly framed by their homogenous background, engaged in a one-day immersion experience in a unique school setting that has garnered national recognition in recent years. This presentation discusses the outcomes of providing these pre-service teachers with an authentic experience in a school where the student population is largely LGBT, of racial/ethnic under-represented groups, and largely impoverished. This study aims to answer the following questions: To what extent will a radical field experience challenge the pre-conceived beliefs and attitudes of pre-service teachers toward diverse populations and toward non-traditional models of education, and do pre-service teachers respond differently to exposure of diverse educational settings based on where they are in their teacher preparation sequence in the their respective program? This research was carried out in collaboration with Dr. Paul Chamness Miller, Associate Professor of Secondary Education at Purdue University North Central.
Kara Lycke, Curriculum and Instruction; Robyn Seglem, Curriculum and Instruction
When educators rely only on traditional print-based texts, they miss out on multiple ways to engage students in a variety of texts, and they run the risk of privileging the learning of a certain type of student while marginalizing others. If educators are to best serve all of their students, a shift in thinking must take place. This shift requires including texts that come in multiple formats, incorporating texts created with digital media, and allowing these texts to take on a new authority in the classroom, positioning them as legitimate forms of communication. This presentation reports on findings from research conducted in an undergraduate course on literacy in the content areas during which the secondary teacher candidates redefined literacy and text in a collaborative meaning-making community using multiple modes of media. The course met in a traditional classroom and centered on digital resources and web-based, collaborative assignments. The presenters demonstrate ways that digital media is changing teaching and learning. We will present our own and our students’ experiences using digital and traditional media.
Judith Briggs, School of Art; Kim McHenry, School of Art; Michael Vetere, School of Theater
ISU pre-service arts and elementary educators conducted thirteen Friday Arts Experiences at the Bloomington-Normal Boys and Girls Club over the course of the 2010-2011 academic year. Working in small groups, pre-service arts educators led ten to thirty Club members in creating visual art projects. The Friday Arts Experience goals included the promotion of empathetic understanding of K-8 student learning through active teaching; the promotion of pre-service teacher-student on-site social relationships using arts-based curriculum; the promotion of a strong sense of social equity among pre-service teachers; the exposure and evaluation of preconceived notions of low-income students; and the promotion of a desire for continued involvement with community service. As part of the SoTL Civic Engagement/Service Learning Small Grants Program, the organizers asked ISU participant volunteers to reflect on their involvement in the program and the impact that it has had on their attitudes towards teaching students whose families have socio-economic difficulties. This qualitative study analyzes and reveals attitude shifts and insights as documented by pre-experience and post-experience participant questionnaires and by organizers’ field notes.
Mardell Wilson, Office of the Provost; Barb Blake, Budget Office
Yes, budgets can be fun! Challenging economic times often prompt concerns and confusion about the University budget process. Therefore, developing a basic knowledge regarding the guidelines and principles related to how the University budget is established and managed can be very beneficial. Join us as we outline the budget process at Illinois State University and share aspects relevant to everyone.
Mary Kay Rotsch, Management and Quantitative Methods; Sally Fitzgibbons, Accounting; Charlie Thomas, Accounting
Teaching a large section of a required course has been concedered the “academic kiss of death.” It is further complicated when the course is required, focuses on quantitative content, and/or serves as a “gatekeeper.” So how do you create a climate for effective teaching and learning in a large required class that focuses on quantitative content, making it work for the faculty member and the students? This panel will discuss methods to reduce the anonymity of the large class and provide a learning environment that encourages student engagement. We will also address questions such as: What techniques help you manage the classroom and provide a controlled environment for testing? What are the best ways to enhance your stage presence as a faculty member? How do you distinguish between entertainment and education?
Patrick O’Sullivan, CTLT; Tim Fredstrom, Music; Lance Lippert; Communication; Jean-Marie Taylor, CTLT; Claire Lamonica, CTLT; Gary Creasey, Psychology; Chris Grieshaber, Health Sciences; Cindy Ropp, Music; Jennifer Friberg, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Rena Shifflet, Curriculum & Instruction; Jennifer McDade, CTLT
Several extended workshops in CTLT’s Summer Institute for the 21st Century Educator share an emphasis on informed course design principles. Included are course (re)design workshops for early career faculty, veteran faculty, and faculty who want to teach online or blended courses. Also included in these workshops are grantees from programs supporting urban teacher education, civic engagement, and sustainability as course themes. To date, more than 100 faculty from across campus have completed one (or more) of the workshops. Their courses represent outstanding examples of effective course design and provide excellent models for the rest of the campus. This panel is intended to highlight the work invested by faculty and the outcomes that their work has produced. The intended audience is primarily chairs and DFSC/SFSC members so that their increased awareness of the programs’ value is reflected in credit earned by workshop participants in faculty evaluation processes.
The second half of the session will feature posters highlighting examples of faculty work accomplished in these workshops. Poster presenters include: Maria Schmeeckle, Brian Franklin, April Mustian, Jean Sawyer, Rosanne Marshack, Xianwei Yuan, Rena Shifflet, Heidi Harbers, Jen Friberg, Susan Hildebrandt, Chris Grieshaber, and Cindy Ropp.
Alycia Hund, Psychology; Craig McLauchlan, Chemistry; William Reger, History; Elizabeth Hatmaker, English; Matt Spialek, Communication
Have you ever wondered about the essence of General Education at ISU? Have you considered how to integrate the General Education goals and learning objectives into your course, helping your students appreciate the importance? Have you ever wanted to dialogue with experienced instructors who regularly teach General Education courses, building connections along the way? If so, then consider attending this panel focusing on successful teaching and learning through General Education. The panelists will share tips and strategies for successfully integrating General Education goals into their courses and engaging students in learning. Possible topics of discussion include how to share your passion for General Education with students, how to connect General Education goals with other course goals, and how to align your course within the General Education Program to create a climate that inspires student engagement and learning and overcomes challenges. Attendees will be invited to dialogue with our panelists, asking questions, providing scenarios, and identifying topics for further discussion. Anyone teaching General Education courses and/or thoughtfully considering the importance of General Education will benefit from our discussion.
Guang Jin, Health Sciences
On-line courses offer students the flexibility of being able to work through the course at their own pace and give them opportunities for individual and group participation. This presentation will describe the development of a hybrid on-line version of an undergraduate statistics course in Health Sciences (HSC 204: Health Data Analysis). Some of the learning objectives include 1) generate univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics commonly used in data analysis and reporting; 2) interpret univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics for the purpose of decision-making; 3) interpret the role of bias, confounding, and chance in reported research results. This course was taught in Fall 2011. At the mid-term and end of each semester, students completed surveys regarding their perceptions of the course and suggestions for improvement. The results of the surveys, along with recommendations for enhancing the instruction and technological components of the course will be presented. This project was supported by a CTLT Teaching and Learning Development Grant.
Temba Bassoppo-Moyo, Curriculum and Instruction
During the past 10 years, the adoption of mobile phones has seen phenomenal growth on an international scale. The rate of mobile telephone penetration in most developing countries now exceeds the 75 percent threshold, with many countries reaching close to 100 percent market growth and user consumption. Because of this high subscription and penetration rate, mobile devices are no longer being limited to social or entertainment purposes only. Distance learning colleges and institutions are taking advantage of the abundance of mobile devices for instructional as well as educational purposes. This session explores a project that utilizes cellphones as the primary devices for teaching agricultural courses and interactive sessions to students in mainly remote areas of the Southern African region. The session also examines the similarities and differences between current mobile hand-held devices and audio-visual gadgets utility in industrialized countries and developing particularly for educational purposes.
Paulette Miller, Health Sciences; Frank Waterstraat, Health Sciences; Jane Turley, Health Sciences
In 2008, the Health Information Management (HIM) faculty began the course development process for a Registered Health Information Technition (RHIT)-HIM online sequence. The online sequence joined the on-campus sequence, which has been offered since 1972. The online sequence is designed for working HIM professionals who possess associate degrees and wish to earn baccalaureate degrees in HIM. The faculty redesigned the on-campus curriculum and consolidated 10 senior-level, three-credit hour, face-to-face courses into 5 online six-credit hour courses. HIM faculty members developed online content based on their face-to-face course assignments. Although the HIM faculty had initially agreed to employ a standardized instructional template, it quickly became evident that a standardized template was not feasible due to content uniqueness as well as varying instructional styles and delivery philosophies. Therefore, the faculty agreed to use the current course management system (Blackboard) while maintaining individual course design preferences. We believe that this approach to online course design has both strengths and weakness. In this session, we will share our course design approaches, implementation strategies, and teaching experiences with the intention of creating a dialogue with session participants about this online teaching and learning experience.
Michaelene Cox, Politics and Government; Sesha Kethineni, Criminal Justice Sciences
Are you interested in teaching or doing research with colleagues outside of the United States? Do you already have experience working with international partners that you would like to share? Faculty and staff are invited to discuss, in a roundtable format, the challenges and rewards of international collaborative research and teaching projects. The roundtable organizers visited the University of Madras in India this past summer to discuss peace studies programs and potential collaborative research projects. A summary of their recent exchange will serve as a springboard for further discussion among audience members at the roundtable. Topics may include: cross-cultural pedagogical strategies, structural and curricular decision-making, student recruitment and resources, assessment and program review, research proposal and grant writing, and impact on learning communities through international scholarly exchanges and training opportunities.
Cheri Toledo, Curriculum and Instruction; Brian Wojcik, Special Education; Peggy George, Arizona Technology in Education Alliance Board Member
As educators in the 21st century, it is important for us to connect with our colleagues, contribute to the conversations in our fields, and establish collaborative relationships. By using free online tools, digitizing our Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) is quick and simple. During this session we will show you how to set up a Twitter account, identify people to add to your PLN, manage incoming and outgoing messages and global conversations with TweetDeck, and provide strategies to enable students to establish their PLNs. In addition, we will demonstrate the power of the network and share our PLN experiences. Bring your laptop, iPad, or smart phone and you'll be connected within the first 15 minutes of the session. Join us as we go global!
Deb Lesser, School of Communication; John Bantham, Management and Quantitative Methods; Jennifer Friberg, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Shamira Gelbman, Politics and Government; Jennifer McDade, CTLT; Katherine Ellison, English; Chris Grieshaber, Health Sciences
The idea for this session developed from a discussion at a recent University Teaching Committee (UTC) conversation about the teaching portfolios submitted in support of University Teaching Award nominations. The Teaching Development Plan seems to be a type of document created primarily–or solely–when submitting a portfolio for an award. Thus, it is not only often misunderstood, but also generally underutilized. This presentation will provide participants with information about constructing and using Teaching Development Plans. We will start by discussing what these plans are, their importance, and how a faculty member can use them over the course of a career. This overview will be followed by brief presentations from recent University Teaching Award winners who will discuss the processes of writing their plans. The entire panel will also discuss how they are using these plans beyond the awards process.
Sandy Colbs, Student Counseling Services; Dakesa Pina, Student Counseling Services; Jennifer Thome, Student Counseling Services
The mission of most university-based counseling centers is to support the academic mission of the university by removing obstacles to student learning and enhancing student capacity for learning. It is obvious that a student struggling with a mental illness may not be prepared to learn effectively, and certainly most counseling centers work to help that student with symptom reduction so that academic engagement can be restored. What are less well known or understood are the various additional ways that counseling centers, in collaboration with other Student Affairs departments and academic units, contribute to the environmental factors that enhance teaching and learning. This presentation will provide an historical overview of the philosophical foundations of comprehensive counseling centers in a university context, present some information about the wide range of interventions and programs that Student Counseling Services provides in support of teaching and learning, and provide an opportunity for dialogue about ways that SCS and faculty can work together to enhance the teaching and learning environments at Illinois State University.
Mark Leymon, Criminal Justice Sciences
Like academic research, forensic science and criminal profiles cannot be viewed solely in terms of their products; they are also judged by legitimacy of the processes by which evidence is examined and interpreted. Any opinion rendered in a written report or in court testimony must have a basis in fact and theory. Without such a basis, any conclusions reached are bereft of validity and should be treated with derision. This presentation outlines a new course at ISU where students learned the principles of applied criminology and participated in a group project in the creation of a criminal profile using a real homicide case file obtained from Normal Police Department. The Criminal Behavioral Analysis course aims to teach students the application of criminological theory and the recognition of what is and is not fact in the creation of a criminal profile that is suitable for use in a criminal investigation. The course in general and the group project in particular was assessed through student participant observation and pre- and post- surveys of students. Results indicate that students found the course rewarding and relatively successful in communicating the important principles, as well as an aid in clarifying their misconceptions.
Workshop for Administrators: Keys to Fostering Civility and Managing Incivility
Kent Weeks, Weeks & Anderson
Dr. Weeks, who is the symposium keynote speaker, has served as legal counsel on many campuses around the globe. He merges his legal experiences with current research, hard data, and anecdotal evidence to examine civility issues on college campuses. This is a closed-door workshop for chairs/directors to address civility-related issues that emerge in the course of department/school leadership responsibilities.
Lisya Seloni, English
This presentation shares findings from a classroom-based research project that explores undergraduate students’ experiences with writing for social change. Aiming to expand students’ understanding of academic writing and research, this first-year academic writing course focused on social action to teach academic writing to a group of students from various disciplines. The goal of the course was to raise students’ awareness of various critical multicultural issues within their disciplines as they learned the necessary research and academic literacy skills to conduct research on their ever-changing communities and find various ways to act as social agents. As one of the requirements of this course, students put together a mini-conference where they displayed various multi-genre projects related to their disciplinary communities. The students’ social action multi-genre projects included topics such as racism on college campuses, bullying in schools, underage drinking, and Islamophobia post 9/11. The preliminary findings of this research illustrate that students become producers of knowledge and contributors to their learning of academic writing as they take up roles as researchers in their communities and write with social change in mind.
Nels Popp, Kinesiology and Recreation; Connie Dyar, Family and Consumer Sciences; Deborah Stenger, Mennonite College of Nursing; Jennifer Friberg, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Authentic learning involving hands-on and real-world experiences is widely recognized as one of the more powerful ways to foster deep and enduring learning. In this panel, faculty will share a wide range of community engagement projects that provide vivid examples of how to connect students to the community in ways that create compelling learning experiences. Whether students are helping teachers of autistic children, conducting an exit poll after an election, bringing a political consultant to campus, lobbying in Springfield on discipline-related legislation, or raising funds through a golf event, these experiences can cement course ideas and foster civic awareness. All panelists are recipients of CTLT Community Engagement Learning Grants, which support the use of community engagement methods in instruction by reimbursing faculty for out-of-pocket expenses.
Maria Moore, School of Communication; Breanna Mull, School of Communication; Bob Carroll, School of Communication; John Twork, School of Communication
In 2011, a collaborative learning community of faculty and graduate students embarked on an inquiry of applied ethics across converged media platforms. The team examined the broad issues of democracy, fairness, temptation, manipulation, power and truth within a case-based framework of today's convergence of traditional, new and social media. The collaboration was grounded in the theoretical foundation of constructivism and applied a research methodology of collaborative inquiry. The resulting work-product became a vibrant and evolving website, with an intended world audience of Internet readers interested in the topic of ethics in converged media. This born-digital mode of academic scholarship is organically interactive, without the constraints of traditional print-based structures. In this session, the panelists will reflect upon their shared journey.
Daniella Ramos Barroqueiro, School of Art
In this session, the presenter will demonstrate how to design and use a rubric for the assessment of student learning and performance. A rubric is a specific type of scoring tool that provides benefits to both student and teacher by listing the criteria by which an assignment will be evaluated. It helps students and teachers define “quality” before, during and after working on a project. A well-designed rubric will help the student understand the assessment process by focusing on the details of content and performance. Rubrics typically involve qualitative feedback but can also provide numerical scores and letter grades. They are useful for both formative and summative assessment purposes. In summative assessments rubrics can provide feedback during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment. They can also help students judge and revise their own work before handing in their assignments. A rubric is like insurance for both the student and the professor. It provides a record of expectations so there is little room for misunderstanding in the grading process. Goodrich quotes one student as saying, he didn’t much care for rubrics because “if you get something wrong, your teacher can prove you knew what you were supposed to do.”
Jan Neuleib, English
Engaging students in meaningful conversation challenges many of us. This session demonstrates questioning methods that challenge students and help them work with one another. The mantra for teachers using these activities: never ask a question you can already answer.
Patrick O’Sullivan, CTLT
Faculty support for teaching is most effective when it influences instructors’ day-to-day practices and students’ learning experiences in university classrooms. However, classrooms are largely private domains and little direct knowledge is available about what faculty actually do in their teaching practices. This project aggregates individual instructional diagnostics into a substantial data archive of student perspectives on instructional practices. Results of content analyses of an archive of reports that summarize student feedback from mid-term chats identifies emergent themes that provide insights into students’ perceptions of common instructional practices. Results provide guidance to improve instructional effectiveness, student learning, and student evaluations.
Erin Mikulec, Curriculum and Instruction; Kathleen McKinney, Sociology; Cross Endowed Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Prior research and theory has supported the importance of student involvement and engagement in the institution and campus life for academic persistence, satisfaction, and success (e.g., Astin, 1984, 1985, 1993; Kuh, 1995). Much of this research, however, has focused either on in-class experiences or on certain types of out-of-of class opportunities, such as civic engagement, collegiate sport teams, Greek life, or student government. In addition, a gap in the scholarship of teaching and learning literature is the lack of studies about learning outside the classroom. This session reports on a study designed to gather descriptive quantitative and qualitative data about learning outcomes from student members of a Registered Student Organization Sport Club, the ISU Equestrian Club and Team. Questions addressed in this study include: What are the learning and developmental outcomes from participation in this out-of-class opportunity as perceived by student members? According to members, what are the processes, interactions, activities, or structures of the organization that promote these learning outcomes? How might the organization be changed or improved to further enhance such learning? Results will be presented in terms of the perceived learning outcomes and processes - beyond equestrian skills - of being a participant in the ISU Equestrian Club and Team.
Renée Tobin, Psychology; Sherrilyn Billger, Economics; Danielle Miller-Schuster, Student Affairs; Jennifer McDade, CTLT
In January 2011, the General Education Task Force began an 18-month process of examining the current General Education goals, pedagogies, structures, and outcomes. After one semester of focusing on revisions to the General Education mission, goals, and outcomes, subcommittees were formed to continue developing a revised program. These subcommittees include Administration and Communication, Assessment, Co-curriculum, Pedagogy and Faculty Development, Structure and Curriculum Mapping, and Writing across the Curriculum. This panel of General Education Task Force members will present: (1) an overview of our current and proposed General Education program, including program mission, goals, scope, and format, and (2) a summary of challenges and opportunities faced by the Task Force. The session will include opportunities for attendees to provide input and reactions as well as ask questions about the current and proposed General Education program.
Beverly Barham, Health Sciences; Anjie Almeda, Health Sciences; Lezah Brown, Health Sciences; Meridee VanDraska, Health Sciences
“I didn’t turn in assignment 6 when it was due, 4 weeks ago. Can I turn it in now?” “I know there are only 2 weeks left in the semester, but I’m not getting the grade I want. Can I do an extra credit project?” “I haven’t been in class for 2 weeks because I’ve been really busy. Did I miss anything important?” “My registration date was 3 weeks ago, and now I can’t get into any of the classes I need. You need to give me overrides.” Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? These “too little, too late” (TL2) scenarios are just a few of the examples of students who have lost their focus at some point and now are trying to repair the damage with a last ditch effort, asking for–sometimes even demanding–special consideration for their own negligence and lack of accountability. This panel will discuss a variety of strategies that can be implemented to encourage student accountability throughout the educational journey, alleviating the need for TL2 discussions.
Ann Beck, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Patrick O’Sullivan, CTLT; Jim Palmer, Educational Administration and Foundations
When instructors want to better understand what is going on in a particular course, they ask for a mid-term chat to learn about student perspectives on what is working well and what is not. When chairs and directors want to better understand what is going on with students in a particular program, now they can request a Program Chat. This new service, derived from the highly successful mid-term chat service at CTLT, can be a rich source of information quite useful for making decisions about adjustments to improve the program’s outcomes. In this presentation, the use of Program Chats in Communication Sciences and Disorders and Educational Administration and Foundations will illustrate the value of this approach for other chairs and program directors desiring an in-depth understanding of program participants’ perspectives.
John Bantham, Management and Quantitative Methods
Most academics would agree that class participation and engagement facilitate student learning. However, most would not necessarily agree on the approaches that encourage and stimulate participation and engagement. This presentation will focus on my use of a Socratic approach that I call guided discussion. In this approach, I pose a question and then randomly cold-call on one of my students. I have used this approach for a number of years and have found it to be very effective in gaining and keeping my students’ attention. I have also learned that my students value this approach. As part of the presentation, I will share some of their anonymous comments relative this approach.
Erin Frost, English
This presentation considers ecological economics as a methodology that could support new ways of engaging with the scholarship of teaching and learning. Ecological economics is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the complex relationships between human economies and environmental issues. It “seeks to ground economic thinking in the dual realities and constraints of our biophysical and moral environments” (Daly and Farley, 2004, p. xxi). This presentation explores the presenter’s developing understanding of the field of ecological-economics and searches out the ways in which this methodology can inform the practices of those interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning. For example, in what ways do economic concerns figure into students’ and teachers’ actions in the classroom? Is it acceptable to conceive of the classroom as an ecological space, or does such an understanding ignore the constructed nature of the academic world? Must we consider the larger ecological spaces within which our classrooms exist? This presentation complicates the ways we think about classrooms as constructed or natural spaces, considers the ways we model our classrooms based on ecological or economic approaches, and ultimately asks audience members to explore the ways in which ecological-economics methodologies for investigating practices of teaching and learning can be productive.
Amy Bloom, Geography-Geology; William Hunter, CeMaST
With a focus on integrative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, the ISU Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology (CeMaST) provides support for ISU faculty, staff, and students as well as the wider community. In this session, we provide a brief overview of current CeMaST projects and services, including professional innovation grants, travel awards, professional development services, grant and technical writing assistance, and various campus and community outreach programs and events. We encourage you to ask questions and provide suggestions as to how we can support you in your teaching and research in order to enhance the campus climate for STEM education.
Joseph Smaldino, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Undesirable acoustics can impair listening and learning in the classroom for students who are hard of hearing, as well as students with normal hearing. To avoid this, faculty must understand acoustic barriers and how to avoid them. This presentation will share a rationale for why this should be addressed as well as the latest American National Standard criteria for acceptable acoustics. The session will also feature a learning module entitled “Classroom Acoustics: Importance to Successful Listening and Learning”, designed by the presenter to educate about classroom acoustics issues.
Heidi Harbers, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Jennifer Friberg, Communication Sciences and Disorders
In this session we will provide details of how we used two parallel (undergraduate and graduate level) iPad-centered projects to address the areas of instructor learning, service learning, and student learning in the field of language disorders. We will also share information related to students’ efforts to disseminate their findings to several community agencies.
Chris Wellin, Sociology and Anthropology; Caroline Mallory, Mennonite College of Nursing
Over the past year, an array of ISU faculty members and community partners have worked to develop and sustain a Network on Aging, Health, and Disability (NAHD). The goals of the network are to support interdisciplinary and applied efforts in this broad area, which entails nursing, sociology, social work, communication, health education, and other departments and programs. This panel will articulate how this network might enhance future student learning and professional development through coursework, service, and professional practice options. The larger context for our efforts includes demographic aging, expanding rights and options for disabled people of all ages, and a shift from institutional to home and community-based care options for people, particularly for those with chronic illness and disability. These changes have implications for students in a wide range of careers and we will address how the network can work to better prepare them for such careers.
Jeffrey Walsh, Criminal Justice Sciences; Jessie Krienert, Criminal Justice Sciences; David Marquis, Politics and Government
There is growing momentum in higher education that supports the role of colleges and universities to provide and encourage opportunities for learning beyond traditional discipline-based classroom experiences to the larger community and broader society. Since higher education is often viewed as a training ground for young adults instrumental in shaping their morals and values, the university can serve as a training ground for future civic engagement.Our institution defines civic engagement as “working to make a difference in the public life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation needed to make that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community through both political and non-political processes” (Illinois State University Carnegie Academy for the SoTL Team on Civic Engagement/Service Learning, 2010). Additionally, civic engagement serves to promote social cohesion and community control. We will present key points from our research, drawn from a campus-wide e-survey, to better understand the short and long-term benefits associated with service learning and civic engagement.
Thomas Fuller, Health Sciences
This session describes an unusual climate for teaching where current students and past alumni sit in the same class together, and where both teachers and students have made commitments to extend themselves beyond what is required or expected to achieve new goals. As graduates of the only Environmental Health program in Illinois accredited by the National Environmental Health Science & Protection Accreditation Council (EHAC), our ISU alumni can sit for the Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) certification examination without any other experience. This is a four-hour exam that covers a broad range of rubrics in the field, and is one of the primary means of indicating professional excellence in the practice of environmental health. Certification by this exam is often linked to job search criteria and promotion. In a calculated effort to increase the number of ISU alumni who take and pass the exam, an extracurricular review course was offered to both upper level students currently in the program and all alumni. The course was taught over a period of seven Saturdays, four hours each day, for a total classroom experience of twenty-eight hours. The cost of the course was $200 for students and $250 for alumni.
Patrick O’Sullivan, CTLT
How can ISU best fulfill its teaching mission in the coming years given our campus values, goals and resources? The first-ever Strategic Plan for Teaching is a roadmap for keeping teaching updated, effective, and responsive to campus priorities for our students. Developed at the request of the Provost’s Office by the University Teaching Committee, this draft is circulating for comments and suggestions from the campus community with the goal of producing a final version by the end of the academic year. In this session, copies of the draft plan will be available and UTC members will answer questions and gather feedback.
Ryan Edel, English
While teaching Introduction to Fiction and Poetry at Johns Hopkins and English 101 here at Illinois State University, I have used a combination of small groups, online forums, and writing workshops to foster environments where multiple conversations occur simultaneously. By having students post written work the day before class and then requiring typed feedback from their peers, I’ve found that students arrive at class better prepared both in terms of the content and the modes of discussion. This leads them to be more independent in their small groups, allowing more time for personalized instructional attention with each student. By working with smaller groups of students, I am better able to illustrate productive habits of critical thinking and constructive criticism while providing them the opportunity to continue these habits without supervision. In this session, we’ll use Moodle to demonstrate how to initiate effective online forums, and then move into the dynamics of enabling small group discussions without sacrificing the instructor’s role in modeling the modes of academic discourse.
Archana Shekara, School of Art
Our community is filled with people of great diversity, not only ethnic, but also economic, educational, and social. Today’s graphic designers should strive to create designs that are authentic and relevant to the multicultural audiences that they serve. By adopting new research methodologies, students from “Special Topics in Graphic Design” explored a variety of approaches to the issues of audience diversity through experiential and service learning. This session will present the research methodologies adopted by students to understand multiculturalism in graphic design without stereotyping, including research of their ancestral country followed by a process of reasoning, reflection, and respect, through which students developed a series of meaningful designs about their ancestral country and for local not-for-profit organizations. Through these projects, students increased their understanding of authentic design for cross-cultural audiences, expanded their visual and design vocabulary, and above all, found a new respect for other cultural identities in the West.
Kimberly Rojas, University High School
Internet access is now widely available in public schools in the United States and is used on a regular basis for research and other instructional purposes. Some teachers are also using a variety of other technologies, including document cameras, LCD projectors, smart boards, web and video cameras, and interactive tools such as wikis, blogs, chat rooms, and social networking sites. With all of these tools available, it can be tempting to use them without really knowing how their use is affecting student learning and engagement. Do we know if students are really more engaged and learning at a deeper level when they use these tools? Are we using the right tools in the right way? It would be great if the voices of students, those most affected by our technology implementation, were not only heard, but also actively used to help us shape instruction in our classrooms. In this presentation, I will discuss a project funded by a CTLT Teaching-Learning Development Grant, which involved students reflecting on and analyzing lessons that utilized technology. These students then worked with me to redesign the lessons so that we could take full advantage of the benefits of technology to engage students more fully in the lessons, increasing their learning.
Cristen Susong, Theatre
A campus-wide campaign and interdisciplinary collaboration, “The 11,000 Pieces Project: The Women of Lockerbie Clothing Drive,” successfully introduced students to connections between creative art and civic responsibility. Inspired by Illinois State University School of Theatre’s production of Deborah Brevoort’s play The Women of Lockerbie, this project collected clothing from individuals on campus and in the community and donated these items to local organizations to meet local needs. This project, modeled after the real women of Lockerbie who collected and washed over 11,000 pieces of clothing belonging to the victims of Pan Am flight 103 to find a positive outlet for their anger and grief, allowed students to gain insight into needs beyond their campus community. Their passion and research even inspired other clothing drives including the drive being held at the University of Michigan-Flint College of Arts and Sciences. During this session we will engage in a conversation about ways to connect students to service learning projects directly related to course content.
Derek Herrmann, University Assessment Services; Ryan Smith, University Assessment Services
In Spring 2010, the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) was administered to all first-year and senior students at Illinois State University. This questionnaire contains items related to students’ academic and co-curricular engagement activities, as well as questions about institutional emphasis and contribution. Then, in Spring 2011, the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) was administered to all full-time faculty members who taught undergraduate courses. This questionnaire contains items similar to those on the NSSE, thus providing a faculty member’s view of student engagement and institutional emphasis and contribution. Having both of these views allows for an examination of any similarities (and differences) between them. For example, 71 percent of students and 72 percent of faculty believe that the coursework at ISU emphasizes making judgments about the value of information, arguments, or methods. But although 60 percent of students reported that they often included diverse perspectives in class discussions/assignments, only 38 percent of faculty reported that students in their courses often used diverse perspectives in class discussions/assignments. This session will examine a few of the similarities and differences between student and faculty perceptions of student engagement and discuss the implications for teaching and learning at ISU.
Jonathan Thayn, Geography-Geology; May Jadallah, Curriculum and Instruction; Lezah Brown, Health Sciences
A course portfolio is a short, thoughtful, personal document that assesses the aims, methods, and outcomes of a particular class. The portfolio is prepared by the course instructor and typically discusses their vision and hopes for the course; the design of the course including the topics covered and the teaching strategies employed; the knowledge, skills, abilities, sensitivities, and attitudes learned by students during the course; and the nature and quality of learning achieved in the course. Often, the portfolio treats the course as an experiment, e.g., will this new teaching method improve student learning? Data (scores, student feedback, and other artifacts) are presented and evaluated. Personal reflection is integral to the portfolio. The course portfolio is ultimately a tool for gradually improving the quality of the course, so it is always a work in progress. Since the topics and goals of each course are different, course portfolios vary dramatically, even between courses taught by the same professor. This panel is composed of participants of last year’s CTLT Design Your Course 2 workshop, which focused on developing course portfolios. Panelists will discuss their course portfolios, the process of their development, and the results of those portfolios on course quality.
Danielle Lindsey, Office of the Provost; Jess Ray, Registrar; Ann Harner, Manager, Barnes and Noble Bookstore; Christy Bazan, Health Sciences
The increase in textbook options (traditional vs. e-books, packets, bundled vs. unbundled, etc…) as well as the rising costs of textbooks can be overwhelming for students and faculty alike. Knowing that faculty have many innovative strategies for coping with these challenges, we envision a highly interactive session. The moderator will pose questions to panelists and audience members engaging them in a conversation intended to examine the various textbook options available, identify the pros and cons of certain formats, explore how textbook format may impact pedagogy, and discuss how textbook choices can impact sustainability.
Patrick O’Sullivan, CTLT; Mark Walbert, Office of the Provost; Mayuko Nakamura, CTLT
In this session you will learn details of the upcoming campus transition from the Blackboard learning management system (LMS) to ReggieNet. ReggieNet is based on Sakai, a widely used and highly touted open-source LMS. Dr. Mark Walbert will review the industry developments that led to this transition and review the transition timeline. Dr. Patrick O’Sullivan will highlight CTLT’s many upcoming opportunities for faculty to learn the new system. CTLT Coordinator Mauko Nakamura will provide a tour of the ReggieNet interface and the wide range of instructional tools that it provides to help you prepare to begin teaching with ReggieNet this summer and/or next fall.
Noha Shawki, Politics and Government
Faculty have a variety of different responsibilities, each of which falls under one of the three categories of teaching, research, and service. Faculty, therefore, juggle a number of different roles and responsibilities in their professional lives. How can these roles contribute to and sustain each other? How can they be integrated with one another to enhance student learning and faculty professional development? This presentation focuses on two CTLT-funded teaching-learning projects that the presenter designed and led and the ways they enhanced the presenter’s teaching and professional development. The presentation will have three foci. First, it will describe the two projects conducted with students. Second, it will describe the ways in which the first project led to the second and helped the presenter make service contributions and develop new ideas for research. Third, it will share some of the presenter’s personal reflections on how these projects helped her generate a “virtuous cycle” in which teaching, research, and service are integrated and contribute to, support and sustain each other. I hope to engage with other presenters and session attendees in a discussion about ways to make our careers more rewarding by creating connections between the different dimensions of our work.
Li Zeng, Theatre
As an instructor, I hope to engage undergraduate students in discussions of film theory and foreign films. In conventional teaching, an instructor usually prepares questions for discussion. However, it is very common that students do not respond as actively as we hoped. Instead, two years ago, I started to ask students to prepare questions and lead discussions. The results are magic. Students read the assigned readings, come up with their own questions, and actively respond to other classmates’ questions. They change from passive knowledge recipients to active explorers. This presentation will introduce ways to incorporate students’ questions into teaching: how to guide students to ask questions, how to guide students to lead discussions, how to use Blackboard to organize students’ questions, and how to use students’ questions to achieve the teaching goal.
Jean Sawyer, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Large classes present challenges to both students and teachers, but when the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders recently reduced graduate admissions to one time per year, the change resulted in class sizes of approximately forty students. This presentation will describe efforts to make a large graduate class smaller through groupings of five and six students, and scheduling that resulted in the class meeting in smaller groups. Throughout the semester, groups engaged in jigsaw activities, discussions, on-line learning modules, group quiz preparations, and poster projects. Classes were staggered and, at times, half the class met in one room, and half in another, with some students giving presentations and others interviewing guest speakers. The effectiveness of the course design was assessed through several measures. Students were surveyed before the course began about their learning styles and preferences, and took a diagnostic assessment of their knowledge of content. They engaged in a midterm chat conducted by CTLT, and at the end of the course, they took a summative assessment of course content and completed a survey that solicited their feedback about the course design. Results from these measures will be shared.
Dane Ward, Milner Library
Within a context of rapidly changing technologies, budgets and expectations, how do the members of a campus community work together to develop new methodologies and tools that enhance student learning? What processes sustain the faculty and staff and simultaneously support innovative responses to these new demands? This presentation, based on recent dissertation research on innovation in academic libraries, highlights six organizational processes relevant to the work of other academic departments, colleges and institutions. Overall, this research points to the paradoxical need to both welcome diverse organizational perspectives while also nurturing strategies that integrate them. Underlying this research is the premise that our ability to respond to changing demands on academic requires us as teachers, scholars, and administrators to recognize and work with these processes.
Steven Hunt, School of Communication; Jeff Courtright, School of Communication; Jennifer McDade, CTLT; Lance Lippert, School of Communication; Maria Moore, School of Communication; Mary Stephan, Politics and Government
This session provides a description of a CTLT Teaching-Learning Community (TLC) focused on civic and political engagement. Over the last two years, members of this this TLC have developed numerous research projects, teaching ideas, conference presentations, and publications regarding the scholarship of engagement. Panelists will share ideas for jump-starting multidisciplinary research teams.
Susan Hildebrandt, Languages, Literatures and Cultures; Iryna Brown, Curriculum and Instruction
This project explores the benefits and challenges to preservice world language teachers working at a local community center, focusing on the outcomes of service learning. Previous LAN student teacher observations and existing literature suggest that enforcing the paradigm of theory’s superiority over practice leads to less effective language teacher learning and behaviors. Frequently, language teacher candidates are disconnected from real language learners, unable to bridge what they are learning in language pedagogy classes to subsequent language learning situations. Additionally, LAN teacher candidates often find it difficult to transition from their student/observer role to their teacher/leader role. Approximately half of LAN teacher candidates also struggle to attain a high enough level of second language proficiency to qualify for student teaching following their coursework. That struggle may be exacerbated by the few extra opportunities that teacher candidates have to improve their second language skills with native speakers in the Normal community. This session will address the above issues through discussions about incorporating service-learning and civic engagement into language education courses at ISU. The discussion will be based on the preliminary data collection and analysis obtained from the current service-learning project being implemented in a 300-level foreign language course at ISU.
Pam Hoff, Educational Administration and Foundations; Lezah Brown, Health Sciences; Miranda Lin, Curriculum and Instruction; Venus Evans-Winters, Educational Administration and Foundations
Although diversity is one of our University’s institutional goals, faculty who are interested in integrating diversity and social justice into their teaching face a variety of challenges, especially in a predominantly white institution like Illinois State University. Our panel members have all experienced these challenges and would like to share them with the ISU community. The critical awareness gained in this session will help faculty understand the complexity and dynamics of cultures and climate as related to teaching and learning. It will also help faculty conceptualize how they can create learning environments that are open and safe for all members of the classroom community. This will provide faculty with opportunities to reflect on their own classroom climates as well as the campus climate as a whole. We will also discuss how supervisors can help support minority faculty and provide strategies for navigating the evaluation process for faculty teaching from an antiracist or social justice paradigm.
Liu Yongmei, Management and Quantitative Methods
Internships have increasingly been seen as a critical step to prepare college students for their professional careers. Successful internships not only help students to gain real-world work experience, but also often result in full-time employment with the internship sponsor. In this presentation, I will present the results of a longitudinal study of college interns. The results of the study indicate that interns’ social influence behavior (i.e., ingratiation), and their political skills jointly predict important internship outcomes. Specifically, it was found that when interns exert social influence effort, those who are politically skilled are more likely to be liked by the supervisor, be given higher job performance ratings, and experience less negative emotions. In contrast, for those interns who are low in political skill, their social influence behaviors backfired to lower the degree to which they are liked by the supervisor, their job performance ratings, and their emotional well-being. The study suggests that in order for an internship program to be successful and for interns to fully benefit from their internship experience, it is beneficial to have the interns trained on their interpersonal skills before they embark on an internship.
Jennifer Sharkey, Milner Library; Joyce Walker, English; Bill McMillin, Milner Library
Significant discussion and research on the current generation of students is often focused on personality, social preferences, fondness for technology, and preferred learning environments. While some of the research touches on their critical thinking, information seeking behavior, and advanced technical abilities (information fluency competencies), most would agree we know little about how students, in our highly digitized information environment, perceive the process of finding, analyzing, using, and creating information (regardless of format or platform), or, more importantly, how they translate personal research techniques and behavior into the more formal environment of higher education. Working with freshman students, Milner Library and the Critical Inquiry Program have developed a series of assessments to gain a broader view of students’ information fluency abilities. In this session panelists will discuss the specific instruments developed, what they are trying to measure, and any trends that have developed that illuminate ISU freshman’s information fluency.
Euysup Shim, Technology
This session addresses the application of game-based learning to teaching a complicated topic in construction scheduling. This project recognized student’s difficulty in understanding this process and adapted to meet student needs through design and implementation of a game. The presentation will share findings from the spring 2011 pilot study and fall 2011 utilization across two sections of a construction management course. Our discussion will also consider other applications for game-based learning, including consideration of the use of games in other disciplines.
Rebecca Anderson, English
Global citizenship is a contested identity. Scholars debate its definition and even its conceptual and practical utility. What does it mean to be a “global citizen”? One basic definition identifies a global citizen as someone who feels comfortable with, and cares about, multiple cultures. University campuses, where scholars from multiple academic cultures collaborate, debate, and teach various forms of truth, are uniquely positioned to accomplish three objectives regarding global citizenship: model, teach, and refine understandings of this concept. Many universities actively promote their conceptualization of global citizenship inside the classroom through pedagogy and outside the classroom through international experience programs. This presentation takes a closer look at the first of the identified objectives: academia’s modeling of global citizenship. “How does academia currently model global citizenship?” and “What revisions will enhance the effectiveness of this model?” are the two questions with which this multimodal presentation engages the audience and solicits their expertise. The research of global citizenship theorists Nel Noddings, Robert Rhoads, and Katalin Szelenyi shapes the inquiry.
Ardis Stewart, English
I wanted to design an assignment for my students that would enable them to do research in the Special Collections room of Milner Library, but would be more meaningful than a “treasure hunt” for predetermined artifacts. Thanks to some old books I bought at a local street auction for a dollar, I found my assignment. During the Fall 2011 semester, I had my twenty-nine British Literature students meet in the Special Collections room of Milner Library. After our wonderful library experts explained the major collections held in the room, why bookworms like to eat books, and why the room is so secure, I gave my students their assignment: They were to each choose a British author from a list I provided, look at several texts in Special Collections, describe the texts, and then try to find the same or similar texts by these authors on-line. They then compared the on-line texts to the tactile ones and wrote about this experience. This session is not just for bookworms in the conventional (or even biological) sense, but for any discipline that has a paper trail … or anyone with an interest in time travel!
Cyndee Brown, Theatre
How can and do we create community in the classroom? Theatre may have one answer. Theatre and theatre activities are uniquely positioned to create community and context in the classroom. This presentation will explore the active and engaging world of theatre and its many uses as builder of community. The techniques and exercises used in the theatre world are active, engaging, and enticing; they have the potential to break down communication barriers between students and teachers, facilitate learning, and enliven the classroom setting. Participants will be asked to actively participate in building a community for this session!
Thomas Lamonica, School of Communication; Bill McMillin, Milner Library
With national unemployment rates for people under age thirty nearing twenty percent, our graduates are facing the toughest job market in history for college-educated young people. While we cannot control the economy and cannot significantly impact the job market for new graduates, we can help our students become better prepared to launch their careers by promoting, providing and supporting professional practice opportunities while they are still students. Five years ago, the School of Communication (SoC) made a major commitment to expanding the quality and quantity of internship opportunities for students. The current SoC program serves more than 250 students completing nearly 400 internships for credit annually through a collaborative process which involves students, faculty, administration, staff, academic advisors, the ISU Career Center, SoC alumni, and other communication professionals. While none of the SoC’s majors requires an internship for credit, the emerging belief among students, faculty, and advisors is “you need internships.” The goal of this presentation is to share ideas that will help make internships more accessible to more students in more programs, as well as to continue to find opportunities to expand and embellish the value of the SoC’s Field Experiences program.
Cynthia Moore, Biological Sciences
Blending face-to-face and online activities in an upper level science course provides students with opportunities for self-paced learning and a deeper content understanding compared to classroom-only instruction. There are significant advantages (and sometimes difficulties) for both students and instructors in this hybrid format.
Miranda Lin, Curriculum and Instruction
This study looked at the benefits of a pen-pal project through the lens of active social interactions between young children and their adult pen pals. Qualitative analysis of the data indicated that writing as a learning activity for literacy development was a social ability rather than a simple functional ability.
Joseph Manfredo, School of Music
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the pre-service teacher’s instrumental background upon teaching effectiveness and pedagogical content knowledge in the secondary instrument class.
Martha Callison Horst, School of Music; Carl Schimmel, School of Music
Instructors from the School of Music describe the effectiveness of using the program SmartMusic in musicianship classes at Illinois State University.
Lucille Ekrich, Educational Administration and Foundations
The goal of this poster session is to stimulate dialogue with other faculty and staff about whether and, if so, how to work professionally for systemic, political-economic change that engenders social justice and ecological stewardship without compromising one's values as an educator.
Rita Bailey, Office of the Provost; Julie Burns, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Megan Kuhn, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Teri Tyra, Communication Sciences and Disorders
The presentation will provide information related to the process involved in a year-long self-study for purposes of program assessment. The use of results of the assessment to make positive program changes and increase involvement of department members, students, and alumni in the process of program improvement will also be described.
Lydia Kyei-Blankson, Educational Administration and Foundations
Empirical evidence submitted thus far suggests concerns for the insufficiency of student voices in the online education literature. This study presents student perspectives on effective online teaching and learning strategies.
Anne Cox, Kinesiology and Recreation
This study tested the effectiveness of teaching strategies that are designed to support self-determined motivation in a required kinesiology undergraduate course. Teaching strategies were implemented across a semester and students completed pre- and post-test surveys assessing motivation and learning-related constructs.
Jeremy Hawkins, Kinesiology and Recreation
Implementation of a writing group and the use of teaching squares are low stakes ways to improve productivity and enhance teaching, ultimately helping faculty members obtain tenure and promotion.
Myoung Jin Kim, Mennonite College of Nursing
This descriptive mixed method study characterizes the change of students’ attitude toward statistics in a graduate nursing program from the beginning to course completion, evaluating the supplementary multimedia aids.
BreAnna Evans, Curriculum and Instruction
This demonstration will showcase two applications that can bring text to life in your classroom. Find out how Prezi can enhance classroom presentations and Wordle takes brainstorming to a whole new level.
Leah Nillas, Educational Studies, IWU
This session will showcase different projects created by K-12 pre-service teachers using SmartNotebook™ software, digital storytelling, and Google Earth™. Sample projects include interactive SmartNotebook™ lessons, creative digital storytelling instructional materials, and electronic Google Earth™ activity worksheets. Challenges in preparing pre-service teachers to integrate technology in teaching will be discussed.
Stefanie McAllister, Educational Administration and Foundations; Anita Beaman, Milner Library
The presenters will showcase their use of tools such as wikis, blogs, Screencast-O-Matic, and Elluminate Live to support a 100 percent online post-baccalaureate certificate program in School Librarianship.
Cheri Toledo, Curriculum and Instruction
Tap into your students’ technology of choice, the cellphone, and use Yodio as a learning assessment tool. Create podcasts on the fly in as little as thirty seconds. Bring your cellphone and try it out!
Lydia Kyei-Blankson, Educational Administration and Foundations
Online tutorials are very useful for explaining class content, demonstrating how to solve a problem, or giving students directions on how to complete an assignment. Such tutorials can be useful for all students irrespective of the learning environment. In the past, creating online tutorials took a lot of time and required the use of sophisticated technology such as Camtasia. However, with the recent availability of Screencast-O-Matic, a free and user-friendly software, any instructor is now able to create and share a tutorial with students. The screen capture videos can be no longer than fifteen minutes long and the steps for creating the tutorials are simple. Students appreciate the quick and easy-to-access and easy-to-follow directions. Instructors appreciate that they can turn any learning material into a tutorial.
Kimberly McCord, School of Music
This demonstration will feature instruments and devices - including the Soundbeam and the iPad - that support the inclusion of children with disabilities in music classes and ensembles.
Amy Bloom, Geography-Geology
Google Earth™ is a simple and free web-based tool that can be used to incorporate dynamic maps and real-world data in the classroom. It is applicable for students of all levels and interests, including geography, biology, history, business, and more. The applications of Google Earth™ are truly endless.
Michael Gizzi, Criminal Justice Sciences
This demonstration will focus on my use of the iPad to go paperless and manage a variety of courses.
Heidi Harbers, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Sarah Huey, Communication Sciences and Disorders
This presentation will show how the use of video files on Blackboard is being used to promote motivation, practice, and mastery in learning the clinical skill of phonetic transcription.