Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
Normal, IL
Many thanks to all those who made the 2010 Teaching & Learning Symposium a success! CTLT would especially like to thank all those who took the time to prepare posters and presentations, all those who provided financial support for the event, all those who served as speakers and/or session chairs, and—of course—all those who took time from their busy schedules to attend this event.
The 2010 Symposium was our largest ever, with more than 140 faculty/staff presenters and more than 360 registered participants, and we look forward to continuing the conversation about Sustainable Teaching, Sustainable Learning, and Sustainable Living throughout this semester through a Teaching Excellence Series and a reading group. For more information about these events, please call (438-5848) or email Cyndy Ruszkowski.
For access to keynote speaker Debra Rowe’s PowerPoint presentation, please click on the “Keynote Speaker” link above. For access to materials provided by individual presenters and panelists, click on the “Program Schedule” link above. If you have any questions about this event, past, or future symposia, please call (438-7695) or email Claire Lamonica.
Debra Rowe,
Keynote Speaker
CTLT is pleased to announce that Dr. Debra Rowe, President of the U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development, will be the keynote speaker for the tenth annual Teaching and Learning Symposium.
Author and editor of numerous publications on integrating sustainability into education, including the Sustainability Education Handbook, a resource guide for K-12 teachers, Dr. Rowe is a professor of Sustainable Energies and Behavioral Sciences at Oakland Community College, where she has taught for the past 29 years. In addition to teaching, she serves as the Senior Fellow of the Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future and Senior Advisor for the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
Dr. Rowe is a knowledgeable and compelling speaker, and we are delighted to be able to welcome her to the 2010 Teaching & Learning Symposium.
Laura Erskine, Management and Quantitative Methods; Rebecca Bull Shaefer, Management and Quantitative Methods; Joe Solberg, Finance Insurance and Law
The ISU College of Business is one of the first public universities to become a signatory to the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Management (PRiME). The mission of PRiME is to inspire a new generation of business leaders and champion responsible management education, research, and thought leadership globally. This panel will talk about how three different professors in the COB have integrated these principles into their undergraduate courses. Our hope is that this panel will inspire others to add elements of sustainability and social responsibility into their curricula.
Venus Evans-Winters, Educational Administration and Foundations; Mallory Murray, Student; Andrea Leverso, Student
The purpose of this presentation is to provide a case study of one instructor’s attempt to close the gap between community engagement and the objectives of a Social Foundations of Education course. The presenters detail how Web 2.0 technology can be used to close the gap between traditional instruction and 21st Century teaching and learning practices. One objective of course requirements was to provide students with the opportunity to work with diverse groups of racial/ethnic minority children in non-traditional learning spaces. Another objective was to help students meet the diversity field requirements of teacher education. Many faculty of education have not discovered how to meet field placement requirements for pre-service teachers, while also striving to meet students’ academic development in other cognitive areas (e.g. theory, analytical thinking, critical reading, and technology). In an attempt to meet pre-service teachers’ professional growth, the instructor of the course integrated various Web 2.0 tools into the course. This presentation has implications for pre-service teacher education, community engagement education, and pedagogical strategies in the 21st century. Undoubtedly, students will be able to sustain what was learned in the field with future classroom practice and community engagement.
Jessie L. Krienert, Criminal Justice Sciences; Jeffrey A. Walsh, Criminal Justice Sciences
Traditional textbooks are increasingly expensive, arguably antiquated, and necessarily limited in terms of their ability to offer the kind of educational opportunities that students desire and that today’s educational technology can deliver. Partially in an effort to overcome these drawbacks, this presenter set out to explore a dynamic tool (Softchalk) for delivering course content to students in research methods courses. Students in CJS 300: Research Methods met regularly for traditional classroom instruction but also had access to online learning modules that significantly supplemented the classroom/lab instruction. The project’s short terms goals included enhancing student learning of research methods by improving student motivation, enthusiasm, and interest in the material through innovative hands-on teaching tools. The long-term goals include the creation of an interactive and dynamic learning environment in research methods courses that draws on the strengths of both traditional and online education. This session reports on the project so far.
Patrick O’Sullivan, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
Mentoring for new faculty deserves priority for its individual benefits and potential for fostering positive institutional change. For faculty, an effective mentoring program can improve research and teaching productivity and boost morale. For the institution, it can strengthen recruitment and retention. In time, it can positively reshape a campus culture. In this session, participants will learn about a New Faculty Mentoring Program using a “learning community” approach that addresses shortcomings of traditional one-on-one mentoring. This mentoring approach provides several advantages over the traditional model. New faculty members are immediately engaged with peers with the opportunity to build collegial bonds that can be important for social adjustment to a new job in a new place of residence. Peers can also provide multiple perspectives on personal and professional issues shared among new faculty. Mentors are informed about relevant topics and view their role as central, not peripheral, to their position responsibilities. Results of data analyses assessing the program’s effectiveness will be shared and used to highlight the ways in which this program can foster positive institutional change over time.
Bob Broad, English
As instructors, we want students to share their writing with each other in order to provide an immediate audience while at the same time facilitating peer response and revision. We also want to publish students’ writing to give them the goal and motivation to educate and persuade a public audience. This session will present a variety of web-based options for sharing student writing, including: Blackboard discussion forums, wikis, and blogs. Most importantly, we will consider the question: Which technologies are best for which purposes?
Kimberly Rojas, University High School
As many of you may have found in your own educational experiences, learning a foreign language can be difficult for a lot of students. Due to a lack of practice and exposure, one of the most challenging aspects of foreign language acquisition is developing an understanding of the spoken language. Participating in CTLT’s podcasting initiative allowed me to overcome some of these problems by giving my students more opportunities to practice their listening skills in Spanish and allowing the learning experience to continue outside of class. In this session, I will present the types of audio files that were produced during this initiative and explain how they were utilized to provide authentic listening opportunities and enhance students' auditory skills.
Mathew Fuller, University Assessment Office; Jon Laird, University Assessment Office; Derek Herrmann, University Assessment Office
The goal of this presentation will be to make the Symposium audience aware of the support that the University Assessment Office can provide for departments/schools and faculty. Members of the UAO staff will engage participants in a dialogue on assessment and the services the UAO offers. Matt Fuller will present information about the General Education Assessment Institutional Artifact Portfolio (IAP), Process for Review of Academic Assessment Plans (PRAAP), and the Assessment Plan Tutorial. Jon Laird will present information about Select Survey and the process of developing, administering, and analyzing program-level online surveys. Derek Herrmann will present information about the Alumni Survey and Progressive Measures, the biannual assessment newsletter. Our presentation will offer participants an opportunity to explore why assessment can sustain learning within their department/school and how the UAO can support these efforts.
Shamira Gelbman, Politics and Government
This session will present instructor and student reflections on an elaborate research project implemented in POL 214 (U.S. Political Parties and Interest Groups) during the fall 2009 semester. Developed with the support of a CTLT grant, the project was designed to improve student understanding of the role interest groups play in American politics and enhance student research, communication, and civic engagement skills. The students engaged in a variety of activities, including: writing encyclopedia entries about major interest group organizations in the United States; writing “op-ed” essays using classmates’ encyclopedia entries as a starting point for research; giving informative and argumentative presentations; peer reviewing each other’s encyclopedia entries, op-eds, and presentations; writing letters to the editor in response to their classmates op-eds; and composing written reflections on their learning experience throughout the project. In addition to reflecting on the project as a whole, the presentation will discuss the class’s collaboration with Citizendium, a wiki encyclopedia project that partners with university professors to support assignments through its Eduzendium initiative. Finally, this session will suggest some ways that this project model might be adapted for other courses across academic levels and disciplines.
John Bantham, Management and Quantitative Methods
Often equated with “the capacity to endure,” sustainability can also be defined as “seeking to provide the best outcomes for the human and natural environments both now and into the indefinite future.” I like this second definition because it implies not just endurance, but continuous improvement. Before becoming an academic, I spent 16 years in industry, where businesses are constantly faced with the challenge of continuous improvement. I have found it very natural to apply this concept of continuous improvement to my teaching through the use of intentional student feedback. This classroom assessment technique provides me with rich qualitative data that allows me to check the pulse of my students and answer the question, “How are we doing?” Perhaps more importantly, it causes me to reflect and consider the question, “How can we improve?”
Judith Briggs, School of Art
This session will present one instructor’s multi-faceted efforts to encourage ISU students to deconstruct media constructions of race, class, and gender. Pre-service elementary and art educators, along with studio students, engaged in frank, if uncomfortable, reflections on the meaning of whiteness within the United States. By reviewing artists’ work, reading critics’ commentaries, and engaging in best practice, students then translated this discussion into studio art and lesson plans for K-12 classrooms. A community service element of the course that involved teaching art lessons to Boys and Girls Club members allowed ISU students to put theory into practice while enabling these participants to reflect upon their actions and the children’s reactions. A field trip in the Chicago Public Schools, a visit to Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood, attendance at the Field Museum’s Aztec Exhibition, and a tour of Chicago’s murals with the Chicago Public Art Group helped students equate art making with history and public activism. ISU visiting artist, Eric Garcia, further equated art making and teaching with social justice activists’ efforts to question popular media images and historical mythologies.
Cara Rabe-Hemp, Criminal Justice Sciences; Susan Woollen, Criminal Justice Sciences; L Edward Wells, Criminal Justice Sciences
In an effort to bolster student comfort with self-directed learning in distance education classes, a scale was created through the cultivation of the literature on autonomous and online learning and tested with approximately 300 students. This session will explore the potential of this scale to assess students’ abilities to learn autonomously, impact students’ expectations of the online learning environment early in the educational process, and increase the opportunities for students to be self-aware and reflective about their learning processes and expectations. This potential makes the scale an exciting tool for faculty who want to gauge the readiness of a student to learn autonomously in an online learning environment.
Patrick O’Rourke, Agriculture; Richard W. Steffen, Agriculture; Aslihan D. Spaulding, Agriculture
There are several learning style theories and learning style assessments that provide a basis for examining the efficacy of alternative delivery methods for learning experiences in the classroom. These theories often are based on complex interactions of decision making, cognitive process, and student attempts to make sense of the world. The Gregorc Learning Style Delineator (GSD) self assessment process advocated by Anthony Gregorc utilizes a two-axis model to assess an individual’s learning preferences (Gregorc, 1982). These two axes’ are based on the idea of concreteness versus abstraction and randomization versus sequential learning. The Gregorc GSD gives us a tool to assess learning styles and to determine, for the student, what style of learning is most beneficial when using a Web-based agribusiness management simulation. In this session, the presenter(s) will discuss their use of the GSD in an effort to discover any relationship between learning styles and use of a Web-based agribusiness management simulation in an undergraduate class at ISU.
Dianne Gardener, Education Administration and Foundations; Neil Sappington, Education Administration and Foundations; Joe Pacha, Education Administration and Foundations; Mohamed Nur-Awaleh, Education Administration and Foundations
In this session, a panel will use a dialogic format that includes session participants in an exploration of the use of case studies and the notion of a “signature pedagogy” in three core courses in educational leadership preparation for PK-12 and higher education. Two colleagues will present the results of three years of empirical study that examine in detail how master’s candidates in a principalship course used action research case studies to learn about the complexity of the job to which they aspire. Researchers found that the case study enabled students to look at their daily work in fresh ways, making the challenges of school leadership and strategies for addressing them the authentic work of the course. Similarly, two faculty will share how a student cohort approached a “ripped from the headlines” case study and how this contributed to student learning in two blended courses in higher education leadership. The courses use case studies in interactive formats to teach about organizational governance in colleges and universities.
Mary Elaine Califf, School of Information Technology
Beginning programming courses are traditionally very difficult with low success rates, even among students willing to work hard. Our project aimed to improve student success in our beginning programming course by taking inspiration from math courses and developing practice problem sets and short quizzes based on the problems from the set. These problems provide students with more and simpler practice opportunities than the labs and programs in the course can, and they are also intended to help students understand the required readings. The course was taught using the problem sets for the first time in Fall, 2008, and students were asked to report on their use of the problem sets throughout the semester. They also filled out a survey regarding problem set use and satisfaction at the end of the semester. In this presentation we will present the findings and discuss the effectiveness of the problem sets. This project was completed with Mary Goodwin, also from the School of Information Technology and was supported by a CTLT Teaching and Learning Development Grant.
Jeffrey Walsh, Criminal Justice Sciences; Jessie L. Krienert, Criminal Justice Sciences
There is general consensus across the empirical literature that academic dishonesty is pervasive, problematic, and quite possibly the least openly discussed crisis in higher education. Very little work has been done examining the influence of teacher’s behavior on academic dishonesty, a possibly important consideration given that teachers both create and control the classroom environment where most cheating occurs. This session will present a study funded by a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) grant that explores the nexus between teacher immediacy— favorable verbal and nonverbal cues exhibited by teachers to enhance closeness with students—and academic dishonesty. Aspects of classroom context such as class size and setting are also examined.
Maureen Angell, Special Education; Brent Simonds, School of Communication; Lance Lippert, School of Communication; Steve Hunt, School of Communication
Based on a needs assessment that revealed pre-service teachers’ concerns about classroom management, our team conceptualized a model of holistic classroom management for diverse learners and produced a DVD and instructional training program designed to address those concerns. The team then proceeded to train instructors in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) in the use of the program and administered a pre-intervention assessment of pre-service teachers in these instructors’ courses. A post-intervention assessment was administered at the end of each semester in which C&I instructors used the program. This session will introduce the Collaborative Classroom Management DVD, provide initial program assessment results, and offer an overview of best practices in classroom management useful to all instructors at ISU. The DVD and accompanying Quick Start Guide are available for use by Illinois State University faculty.
Jennifer Friberg, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Heidi Harbers, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Heidi Verticchio, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Cara Boester, Communication Sciences and Disorders
In the spring of 2009, a pilot language-based preschool program was established at the Home Sweet Home Mission (HSHM) in Normal to serve preschool children (ages 2-5) determined to be at-risk for developing language disorders. This program was developed by faculty from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and was implemented by graduate students from the same department as an external clinical placement. This presentation will focus on the process of implementing the preschool language program, student perceptions of their clinical experiences, and outcomes from the project that informed changes in the implementation of this project in the fall semester of 2009.
John Hooker, School of Communication; Joyce Walker, English; Nancy McKinney, English; Jennifer Sharkey, Milner Library
In this session, representatives from the 3 critical inquiry units on campus will share their efforts to promote sustainability in teaching resources. Milner Library is piloting and implementing numerous initiatives to move from traditional methodologies of teaching and learning to an online environment. The ISU Writing Program is developing resources for sustainable teaching that include a new Center for Writing Pedagogies and Research space, Writing@133, as well as a range of digital, print-based, and multimodal resources for studying writing practices and for composing. The Communication As Critical Inquiry program has created a Blackboard space containing resources for teachers.
Sheryl Jenkins, Mennonite College of Nursing
Mennonite College of Nursing (MCN) students consistently show less satisfaction with their classmates in relation to camaraderie, civility, and ability to work in groups than with other aspects of the program. Additionally, faculty note a degree of incivility in interactions among students and between students and faculty. These findings have raised concerns about our graduates’ development of collaboration skills. This presentation will describe an innovative project designed to explore the dimensions of student dissatisfaction with classmates and incivility to others and then develop strategies to build social capital. The project involves a group of ten senior MCN student leaders who are serving as researchers/change agents. Potential benefits of the study include fostering open inquiry, building social capital, and improving students’ collaboration skills.
Michael Sublett, Geography-Geology; Jill Freund Thomas, Geography-Geology; Leah Owens Sweeney, McLean County Information Technologies
Campus career events make sense. Whether they occupy a few hours or an entire week, they bring career specialists together with career novices (and faculty) to share ideas about what awaits students out there in the working world. The Geography Career Fair at Illinois State began in 1990 and just celebrated its 20th anniversary. Since its inception, the Fair has included guest panels in the morning, a departmental luncheon, and guest tables in the afternoon. Today we offer insights from the two faculty members who created and continue to manage the Fair and from a former student who returned later as a Fair guest. We begin with issues of program creation and oversight. Next we discuss the logistics of making such a Fair happen, from graphics to volunteers to meals to giveaways. Finally, our Geography graduate provides student and guest perspectives, as a representative of the thousand plus students and nearly two hundred guests who have taken part in the Fair over the past two decades. We believe that what has worked in our circumstance is transferable to other programs at Illinois State.
Jamie Perry, Communication Science and Disorders; Danielle Cunningham, Communication Science and Disorders
A major drawback to learning anatomy and physiology using 3D technology is that students lose a sense of realism and cannot appreciate the textures and layering of the anatomy within the body. These are details that are best observed through cadaver dissection (Perry & Kuehn, 2006). However, it is becoming more difficult to use cadavers in the classroom due to the increased costs of maintaining the lab, a shortage of whole body donations, and large classroom sizes (Perry & Kuehn, 2006). In this session, I will present a project designed to create a virtual laboratory experience for undergraduate students enrolled in Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Respiratory Mechanism (CSD 155). The goal of this project was to combine cadaver dissection and 3D anatomy to create a virtual laboratory. Feedback was elicited from 40 students who have completed the anatomy course. Qualitative results will be discussed.
Katherine Ellison, English
The heroic couplets of eighteenth-century poet Alexander Pope reflect his ecocritical aesthetic at the same time that they reveal his ambivalences about living and writing green. Beginning students of poetry and writing, however, have difficulty first appreciating that Pope’s poetry is a struggle with what it means to be ecocritical and, second, recognizing that their own composition practices in writing reflect cultural ecological impatience. Building 3D historical gardens in virtual reality taught students Pope’s aesthetic and fostered understanding of ecocritical living as sustained revision. In my presentation, I will examine the limitations of current approaches to teaching Pope’s ecocritical ambivalence, such as poetic imitation exercises, and argue that a three-dimensional, multimedia assignment in virtual reality allows students to experience more effectively how Pope’s poetry reflects an ecological aesthetic often in conflict with itself. In addition to providing one pedagogical model for teaching the poetics of sustainability using virtual reality, these findings are also useful for thinking about how new technologies like virtual reality platforms can bring sustainability to our teaching – can inspire in us new energy, creativity, and perspectives on topics we have perhaps taught a hundred times or that have, in my case, been taught for hundreds of years.
Lance Lippert, School of Communication; Frank Beck, Stevenson Center; Jennifer Silva McDade, School of Communication; Steve Hunt, School of Communication; Kathren Sammis, Graduate Student, School of Communication
In teaching civic engagement at Illinois State University, we strive to develop civically responsible individuals who embrace their membership in communities and society by owning social issues and working to be a part of the solution. This requires ethical and civic judgments as well as appropriate actions. Illinois State University’s values are at the core of the new Civic Engagement and Responsibility minor. Students will prepare to participate in social change as well as develop an awareness of personal social responsibility. This American Democracy Project initiative is intended to prepare students to engage actively in their citizenship. The interdisciplinary minor is open to all students of any ideological viewpoint and can be positively matched with any major as a way to broaden the student’s learning experience and career perspectives. This panel will describe 1) the curriculum including pedagogical choices and courses, 2) faculty resources including course reinvents, enhancement, and training grants and scholarships, and 3) potential multidisciplinary opportunities and programmatic partnerships. The panelists will provide an introductory overview of the process and content followed by conversation with attendees regarding implementation of the new minor.
George Byrns, Health Sciences
Effective teaching is teaching that engages students to the fullest possible extent. Certain teaching strategies such as the traditional lecture format may be less effective due to poor student attendance, low participation, and lack of immediate feedback. Other approaches such as problem-based learning (PBL) may be more effective because they avoid these shortcomings. PBL is a strategy in which students are arranged in groups, given an important problem and asked to identify a solution. The problems can range from simple, one-paragraph scenarios to detailed, 30-page investigations of complex issues. Like PBL, clickers (student response technology) also offer a means of encouraging student engagement. A series of questions can be displayed on a screen using PowerPoint or another program, and student responses are captured by the classroom receiver. Results can then be immediately displayed for discussion and later entered into a grade book. Student engagement is encouraged because students can earn points for getting the correct answer or for simply participating. This presentation will describe the combined use of these two pedagogical techniques—PBL and clickers—as a means of enhancing student engagement.
Jane Carmen, English; Steve Halle, English; J. Holms Troelstrup; Kathleen Miller, English
For writers, genre is used to distinguish between modes of literature and ways of creating. Genre lines can be so strong that students and instructors often resist crossing those boundaries, an act that stifles creativity. Even when student writers utilize alternate genres, they often experience an uneasiness that can lead to anxiety and a quick return to the familiar, the fear of failure threatening both their writing and their success in the course. Collaborating with students to determine exactly which genres and sub-genres each class member is most comfortable with can help students discover ways of thinking/writing in new/redefined genres. Additionally, instructors and students can work together to explore ways of creating content that blurs genre lines, as well as generating multi-genre texts that construct a space of coexistence where old divisions begin to break down or acquire new meaning. Just as a fear of failure can inhibit creativity, concerns about assessment can inhibit innovation. In a classroom setting, especially, assessment looms over the process of experimentation. However, assessment as a result of collaboration in an open, blurred- or multi-genre classroom allows for the invention of spaces and incentives that encourage rather than discourage higher creativity. In this session, we will explore the ways that breaking down existing categories and modes of assessment through collaboration creates strong communities of learners.
Yoon Jin Ma, Family and Consumer Science; Hae Jin Gam, Family and Consumer Science
The apparel industry poses many potential problems for the environment, but consumer interest in environmentally friendly products has increased as social and environmental concerns have grown. Green labels for textile and apparel products can facilitate consumer efforts to make environmentally responsible purchasing decisions. In Fall 2007 and Spring 2008 semesters, two faculty members in the Apparel Merchandising and Design sequence (AMD) worked with undergraduate and graduate students in AMD to research and develop a consumer friendly, informative label for textile and apparel products. This project benefits students by making them more knowledgeable and environmentally-conscious consumers and industry professionals. It also provides students with a competitive advantage in the workforce, as many companies work to initiate sustainable practices. In this session, we will present the research process, the results of the focus group discussions, and the label design procedures.
Jennifer Banning, Family and Consumer Sciences
In this session, the presenter will report on efforts to re-design a traditional lecture-style fashion history course (FCS 361) that relied primarily on unit exams for assessment through the use of a Team-Based Learning (TBL) approach, which incorporates authentic tasks as the primary assessment tools. Students in the traditionally designed course were struggling with objective tests and failing to apply course concepts in a meaningful way; thus, the goal of the re-design was to more deeply engage students in understanding and applying important concepts. TBL was introduced as a way to help students see the real-world applications for the course, while also increasing engagement and encouraging higher performance. Under the TBL model, students complete text readings, study guides, quizzes, two projects, and the final exam on their own. Assignments completed in class as teams include quizzes and projects that apply material that was read prior to class. This presentation will describe how TBL is used, the rewards and challenges of TBL, and student perceptions of TBL. Session participants will learn how to incorporate TBL into their own classes.
Kathleen McKinney, Cross Chair for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
In this presentation, we report on a longitudinal, multi-method descriptive study of a subgroup (N = 18) of one cohort of sociology majors at ISU. We followed these students through their careers as majors from the first to the last required major course. The main objective of this study was to describe the students’ development of identity as sociologists, their ability to use their sociological imaginations, their engagement with the discipline of sociology, and their sense of being autonomous learners. Thus, sociological ideas and theory related to socialization and identity formation are relevant to this study. Several interesting findings and issues related to conducting SoTL work of this type will be discussed.
Mardell Wilson, Office of the Provost; Barb Blake, Finance and Planning
The university budget is a complex system. Difficult economic times oftentimes prompts additional concerns and confusion. Developing a basic knowledge regarding the guidelines and principles related to the budget processes can help to better inform the entire campus community. Join us as we outline the budget process at Illinois State University and share aspects important to everyone. We will work to keep it simple, informative, and fun. Yes, budgets can be fun!
Beverly Barham, Health Sciences
In the field of clinical laboratory science, it is imperative for both professional practice students and new graduates to “hit the floor running” with the skills to multi-task. However, a steep learning curve can exist for students transitioning from a campus environment to a professional one. Students may first experience this curve during the professional practice experience or as new graduates. This presentation will introduce the methods we use to help students develop the skills they need to multi-task efficiently and be better prepared to meet the demands of a fast-paced professional environment as both professional practice students and alumni.
Mayuko Nakamura, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology; Bill Shields, Geography & Geology; Brian Beam, University Marketing & Communication
In this session, we will introduce you to the ISU Second Life campus. Second Life is a virtual reality environment where people can interact with others through avatars and create virtual buildings and objects. Many educational institutions such as Harvard University and the University of Texas system have created their campuses on this virtual environment. In Fall 2009, with financial support from the ISU Foundation, we purchased virtual space to build a re-creation of the ISU Quad as well as instructional areas. We also started piloting several instructional projects. In Spring 2010, virtual classrooms, a lecture hall, office spaces, and meeting rooms will be available for all ISU faculty to use for instructional purposes. Additionally, ISU faculty may request assistance in creating simulated environments and projects. Join us for this interactive presentation and tour of ISU Second Life campus! Through a variety of examples and demonstrations of on-going projects, you will learn how you can take advantage of this virtual space, what instructional opportunities this space may provide and what resources and support are available to the instructors.
Amy Magnafichi Lucas, English; Gina Cooke, English; Ryan Clark, English
Scholarly research and “the research paper” have been traditional mainstays of university study. But is the research paper, conceived in its traditional linear, black-and-white, textual mode, the goal of modern-day research for students? Is it the best mode for instructors to gauge and extend student learning? This panel will discuss the possibility of breaking the research paper mode into the realm of the researched project by implementing approaches to theses, trajectories and technologies. How does a wandering thesis reflect the research process, and what are the potential benefits of such an approach? Can student research projects have audience and movement beyond the instructor and beyond the classroom? How can the seemingly endless uses of technology shape and be shaped by the context of the research project? These considerations can help students and faculty alike to re-vision and re-purpose research into sustainable activities for a future within and beyond the university.
Amy Bloom, Geography - Geology
Being the sole champion of an on-going activity or project is physically and emotionally draining. Over the past year, the Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology (CeMaST) has identified several projects that ISU is uniquely able to provide, but each of these rested squarely on the shoulders of individuals who were working alone in an effort to sustain them. Now, with some support from CeMaST, these projects have developed a new life. Bugs for Kids, the American Chemical Society (ACS) High School Chemistry Exam Contest, the Urban STEM-Ed Initiative, the Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online, and the Illinois Journal of Technology Education are examples of projects we have supported and helped to revitalize. In this session we'll tell you about these projects, and perhaps attendees will have others that they would like to identify.
Sarah Walczynski, College of Arts and Sciences; Jonathan Laird, University Assessment
Going paperless in data gathering has been a giant leap forward in not only the logistics of reaching out to people but also in the ability to more easily share information, repurpose data, and repeat studies over time. In this session a specialist from technology training and a specialist from assessment will discuss the ins and outs of using an online survey/questionnaire/form tool. Topics covered will include where to start when developing an online instrument, protocols for security & ethics, recommendations on how to contact participants, security, and tips for usability.
Peter Smudde, School of Communication
When students want to experience real world public relations, they may not have to wait until they secure an internship. I am working on a project that uses Second Life to create a first-of-its-kind virtual world in which students could explore public relations thinking, decision-making, and consequences in an online, scenario-based, problem-solving learning environment. The ultimate outcome of this project would be a virtual public relations world that allows students to explore the “real world” demands of PR professionals. This project is supported by a CTLT Instructional Virtual Reality Development Initiative Grant.
Pamela Twyman Hoff, Education Administration and Foundations; Venus Evans-Winters, Education Administration and Foundations; Mohamed Nur-Awaleh, Education Administration and Foundations; Isaura Pulido, Education Administration and Foundations
In the wake of the Obama presidency the nation has experienced a revitalized interest in social justice issues that are back-dropped against continual perceptions that this country has entered into a “raceless society.” Indicative of this contradiction, issues of normalcy, superiority, and privilege have re-emerged as interlocking concepts. The pervasiveness of these concepts in public discourse is confounded by the historical perceptions of the “other” and, therefore, this necessitates the development and utilization of pedagogical strategies which prepare students to conceptually apprehend the complexities of living in a diverse society (Nagda 2003). Faculty committed to education for social justice are challenged and invigorated to develop innovative pedagogical techniques and strategies that are developmentally appropriate and community-minded (Goodman 2001, Brown 2004, Zeichner 2009). Social justice in education is a dynamic concept that hinges on mutual agreement, respect, recognition, and equity while also negotiating issues of race, class, gender, ability, and sexuality. The fundamental purpose of social justice pedagogy is to illuminate these possible tensions to bringing about a deeper understanding and resolution for individual and societal well-being (Griffiths 200). In this session, panelists from EAF will share pedagogical strategies drawn from critical, developmental, and transformative learning theories in an effort to diffuse responsibility in the pursuit of a just community.
Claire Lamonica, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology; Doug Schwalm, Economics; Marie Nebel-Schwalm, Psychology; Melissa Christofero, Clinical Experiences
How did you spend your summer vacation in 2009? The presenters in this session made the most of their summer “break” by attending the Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology’s “Design Your Course” workshop. Created with early-career faculty in mind, the workshop used a model developed by L. Dee Fink (Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses) to guide a dozen participants through the process of creating new courses from scratch. In this panel presentation, a tenure track faculty member from Economics, a non-tenure track faculty member from Psychology, and a staff member from the College of Education Office of Clinical Experiences will reflect on their participation in the workshop and discuss how it changed—or not—their approaches to teaching and learning.
Janice Neuleib, English
Problem: You pose an evocative question and the students sit there and stare, waiting for you to break the silence by answering it yourself. Solution: Begin class with an evocative question, ask students to write for five minutes, then provide a few more minutes for feedback. Together, these activities lock in learning. This session will demonstrate methods of developing class questions and responding to five minute writing sessions. Participants will receive sample questions and materials for developing their own questions. The session itself will be active and participatory.
Jean Sawyer, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Guided notes provide students with cues (for example, blank lines or grids) to record key points of a lecture or class activity. In addition to supporting students in the learning process by giving them a structure for note-taking, guided notes also allow students more time to listen and participate. The presenters in this session will show how they implemented guided note taking in three graduate and undergraduate courses in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Two of these courses had been taught previously in more traditional ways, using PowerPoint notes, and one was a new course. The professors examined the efficacy of guided notes by looking at exam grades from courses taught traditionally and those with guided notes. Additionally, students completed a brief survey related to their overall impression of guided notes as a teaching and learning tool. The presenters will examine the efficacy of this teaching method by sharing student performance data in past and current courses and results of the student surveys.
Tim McKenna, School of Communication; Daniel Almanza, School of Communication; Melissa Kampa, School of Communication; Sarah Franzen, School of Communication
This panel will feature a discussion that will allow participants to share their own experiences using motion pictures as instructional resources. The audience will view several video clips, and time will be allotted for a discussion of the importance of using the medium of motion pictures to invite, challenge, and sustain classroom engagement. This panel will not only provide several examples for teachers to employ in their own classrooms, but will also begin a discussion of how to best use these resources to benefit classroom discussion, lecture, and application. It will focus on the integration of motion pictures into discussions about: civic and political engagement, critical thinking, and interpersonal communication and will be applicable to a variety of disciplines.
Phyllis McCluskey-Titus, Educational Administration and Foundations; Patricia Jarvis, Psychology; Maria Moore, Communication; Kathleen McKinney
Studies of teaching and learning must be made public beyond ISU in order to be considered scholarship and have greater impact. Are you hesitant to do SoTL research because you are unsure of what products might come from it? Do you have a SoTL research idea, but are not sure how to carry out the project? Are you looking for ideas about how and where you could make your SoTL research project public? This panel session will highlight SoTL research and the interesting products of the research conducted by your ISU colleagues. Come hear about developing/submitting a book proposal on SoTL research, developing a sabbatical around a SoTL project, making a video presentation about a SoTL study, and the various peer-reviewed outlets for SoTL research. Information will also be available on IRB issues and tips on publishing SoTL work.
Robert Lee, College of Education; Gary Creasey, Psychology; Deborah Curtis, College of Education
Although it is evident that underserviced urban schools need more highly qualified teachers, training pre-service teachers to work effectively in such settings presents special challenges. To address this concern, an Urban Teacher Preparation (UTP) Initiative has been developed by a group of faculty at Illinois State University. The initiative provides important course work, clinical experiences and extracurricular opportunities to better prepare students to work in urban high need schools. The purpose of this panel is to provide an overview of this important initiative by presenting the past, current and future direction of the effort. The panel discussion will focus on a brief history of UTP at ISU, mechanisms to recruit pre-college students to join this initiative, and opportunities that provide faculty with the professional development and resources they need to re-design courses and better prepare pre-service teachers for work in an urban context. The panel session will culminate in a discussion of the recently awarded TEACHER + PLUS grant funded by the US Department of Education and how this 5 year project will affect the future of the UTP Initiative and enhance our ability to assess the sustainability of learning as former ISU students begin their teaching careers in urban school settings.
Amy Secretan, Communication; Michael Storr, Communication; Lee Anne Hale, Communication
The transfer of learning from classroom to the real world has always been a goal of conventional education. As scholars concerned with the future success of our students, seeing them develop the ability to take what they have learned in the classroom and then apply that knowledge to the real world is like a dream come true. This presentation will describe one such experience. Students were given the task of creating a training program to teach conflict resolution strategies to middle school aged children. The program was then implemented in the School of Communication. The panelists will discuss the process of developing the training materials, the creation of the program, and the ways in which their classroom experience and training has influenced the formation of a new student group dedicated to teaching conflict resolution in several Bloomington-Normal area schools.
Doug Smith, Classroom Technology Support; Sarah Walczynski, College of Arts and Sciences
Classroom clickers have been successfully used in over 100 courses on campus. One limiting factor has been that the software was tied to the use of PowerPoint. Now Turning Technologies has released TurningPoint Anywhere, which allows faculty to poll students and collect data while using any application or no application at all. Find out more at this hands-on session.
Nat Pope, Finance Insurance and Law
A confluence of “nature and nurture” in our current students has created a “perfect storm” for instructors, presenting us with instructional challenges we have never previously faced. However, lamenting the student that once was, or berating the “Millennium Child” for not being more like…us, is a recipe for classroom failure. Rather, understanding their perspective of the world allows us to successfully engage them and better prepare them for the world that awaits them, a world still governed largely by people from our generation. The Marketplace competition, the subject of this presentation, is an example of one such vehicle, an online framework for interaction that stays true to its instructional learning objectives while engaging the “Millennium Child” on his/her own terms. The Marketplace is an eight week long competition among student teams who assume executive managerial roles in insurance companies in the fictitious state of Utopia. They compete for business by applying the otherwise abstract concepts and analyses described in class in a dynamic environment that changes each week based on the changing strategies of other teams. The theory behind the Marketplace goes beyond merely gaming-in-the-classroom theories, as it actively seeks to tap into the unique predispositions of the “Millennium Child.”
David Marx, Physics
Students often spend so much of their educational careers in passive classrooms that they do very little thinking on their own and, thus, may not develop their own ability to gather information from primary sources and come to their own conclusions about important issues. In this session, I will explain how homework assignments, group projects, and semester-long projects in my general education science courses enhance these skills. I will provide examples and discuss the results of these projects.
Douglas Micklich, Management and Quantitative Methods
Sustainability, or the ability to endure over the long-run, is not a static concept. Because by definition, sustainability requires the ability to resist erosion or diminishment, sustainable goods must interact with their environment testing and reinforcing this capacity. Thus, sustainable entities may overlap, borrow from, and encroach upon one another (Youngblood, 2007). In business courses the skills we impart to our students should be sustainable over time, contributing to life-long learning. Examples of these skills include: being able to develop, support and communicate a convincing argument; understanding relationships among/between elements in an environment; and knowing what it takes to be a team player. Ensuring the sustainability of these skills requires not only exposing students to the skills but also reinforce the skills so that students carry the skills with them throughout their academic careers, and their professional lives. In this session, we will describe how these skills are introduced and reinforced and how students are encouraged to think in an interdisciplinary as well as disciplinary manner.
Kathy Mountjoy, Marketing; Joseph Zompetti, School of Communication; Carol Benson, University High School; Mark Temple, Health Science; Judith Briggs, School of Art; Lindsay Soliman, School of Communication; Suzanne Broderick, Educational Administration and Foundations; Kim McCord, School of Music
This session will focus on how faculty members from different disciplines integrated urban education into their existing courses. The panelists will briefly discuss the changes they made, the reaction of students to the courses, and their overall experiences. Time will be allotted for questions from the audience.
Thomas Lamonica, School of Communication
Students are more engaged and learn better when they can go beyond the text, the lecture, and even the guest speakers–especially in a large-lecture setting. Many students especially appreciate efforts to bring the ‘real world’ into the classroom as they work to master basic concepts. By connecting with a young alum working at one of the nation’s leading Public Relations agencies, we were able to procure the agency’s latest client-recruitment brochure, put it in students’ hands (at no cost to them), and use it to introduce them to the behavioral side of public relations in a new way. For the agency, it is Corporate Social Responsibility … for us, it is teaching today’s PR practice through real-world materials. In this session, the instructor will discuss how university, alumni and corporate partnerships can produce sustained benefits for current students and all three partners.
Jenifer Bowman, School of Communication; Tim McKenna, School of Communication; Rachel Marco, School of Communication
Students entering college have always been faced with the task of embracing academic change and acquiring new relationships while still managing important relationships at home. Recent research suggests, however, that parental involvement with millennial students may exceed involvement standards from the past, further complicating the transition. Understanding this complex student-parent relationship is essential for university staff and educators, as insight into these tensions can help us teach students to manage and adapt to stressful situations that may arise during their college years. Proper management of stress allows students to focus on learning, thus further sustaining and engaging students. This session will provide attendees with useful information about ISU student demographics and parental involvement. We will also explore the inherent tensions in this parent-student relationship, particularly the tension or dialectic of autonomy versus connectedness. Finally, we will discuss appropriate ways to address the autonomy-connectedness dialectic within student-parent relationships.
Carol Lind, English; Kathryn Kerr, English; Ardis Stewart, English
The arts are considered by many to be somewhat tangential to the work of academia and are, therefore, often overlooked as a learning tool in the ecosystem of the classroom. In this session, the panelists will discuss their own incorporation of the arts as a method of sustaining student interest and encouraging understanding of difficult concepts in a variety of classroom situations. As one would expect, the arts will be integrated into the panel’s presentation in order for participants to gain a better understanding of the value of this particular pedagogical tool. It is the intention of the panel that participants will leave the session with a better understanding of where and how to find art to incorporate into their classes, as well as ideas for using the arts to motivate and inspire their own students.
Lori Woeste, Health Sciences; Cara Rabe-Hemp, Criminal Justice Sciences; Anu Gokhale, Department of Technology (unable to attend)
Despite the fact that women comprise 46 percent of the nation’s workforce, they are consistently under-represented in many of the applied sciences fields. Current research suggests that the perceptions of students, educators, and other stakeholders play a large role in discouraging women from participating in applied sciences occupations. This session will discuss the preliminary findings and potential implication of a study that explores how the perceptions of majors impact the career choices students make before entering the fields of computer technology, criminal justice, and clinical laboratory sciences. Based on research, it is anticipated that the availability of role models, the strength of the students’ self images, and their perceptions of the discipline are important elements to understanding their career choices.
Jennifer Friberg, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Rita Bailey, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Heidi Verticchio, Communication Sciences and Disorders
The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders has historically utilized a paper-based system of tracking students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills across the undergraduate and graduate curriculum. This system was ineffective and unwieldy; thus, following the completion of a departmental needs assessment indicating support for such action, faculty in the department developed and implemented an online portfolio system to track student data. This poster presentation will highlight the implementation process of this online portfolio system and will present the perceptions of faculty and students as to the success of this new process.
L. Tyler Harvey, Agriculture; Rob Rhykerd, Agriculture; R.W. Steffen, Agriculture; Rod Custer, Research and Sponsored Programs
Experiential learning activities promote student learning. Participating in soil judging contests is one kind of experiential learning activity. Yet few studies have evaluated the impact of participating in soil judging contests on student learning. For that reason, a survey was developed to evaluate the impact of participating in collegiate soil judging on students’ perceptions of learning. The survey was administered at the American Society of Agronomy national soil judging contest and the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture’s soil judging contest in April 2008. This poster displays the results from this study, which suggest that soil judging contests enhance students’ perception of learning and may improve social competency skills. Based upon these results, it is recommended that more universities encourage students to participate in soil judging contests.
Lisa Szczepura, Chemistry; Kristen M. Jeans, Chemistry; William J. F. Hunter, Chemistry
Historically, minorities have been underrepresented in scientific fields, including chemistry. Over the years, programs have been developed to increase the retention of people underrepresented in the sciences, thus facilitating an increase in minority representation in the scientific workforce. We developed a program of this nature and implemented it in our Department in 2003. The program, entitled the Enrichment Workshop Program, runs concurrently with the participants’ enrollment in General Chemistry I and II. The main objectives of the program include:
We are currently in the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the program by using both quantitative and qualitative tools. This poster will include a more detailed description of the Enrichment Workshop Program as well as the collection and analysis of the data on the workshop participants.
Mary Dyck, Mennonite College of Nursing; Theresa Schwindenhammer, Mennonite College of Nursing; Jennifer Mool, Mennonite College of Nursing
Simulation experiences are useful for developing critical thinking skills, applying theory to practice, and easing transition to practice (Nehring & Lashley, 2004). For this reason, Nursing faculty are utilizing gerontological simulation experiences in the baccalaureate curriculum to help novice nursing students become novice nurses capable of providing care to elders. Because gerontological nursing content is primarily taught in the first clinical course with clinical experience in nursing homes, students often felt that they were “done” with gerontological nursing after completion. In response to this problem, simulation experiences using increasingly complex case studies and mannequins were developed for each of the four semesters in the curriculum. In these simulation experiences, students apply previously learned knowledge and skills to professional practice situations. Student evaluations are extremely positive. This poster will present both the simulation experiences and the evaluation data.
Steve Taylor, Marketing; Steve Goodwin, Marketing; Horace Melton, Marketing
The weight of the evidence to date suggests that student engagement at the macro level (programmatic) is positively related to “good” academic outcomes across many relevant stakeholder perspectives. However, university instructors often query how they may facilitate student engagement within their own classes (a micro-perspective). Critical to answering this important question is the ability to measure student engagement at the individual class level. An empirical study was conducted that examined the psychometric properties of Handelsman et al.’s (2005) Student Course Engagement Questionnaire which was one of very few scales designed for this purpose. The results, capitalizing on recent advances in structural equation modeling based methods of exploratory factor analysis, suggest caution in the use of the scale and suggest that an important emphasis for future research will be development of reliable and valid scales for this purpose. In addition, contrary to expectations, the results further suggest some differences among engagement patterns based solely on Internet-only video versus face-to-face lecture delivery formats for large section Introduction to Marketing courses.
Kimberly McCord, School of Music
This poster provides an overview of a study that explores the attitudes and perceptions of pre-service music educators through a semester-long field experience in urban schools. Students analyze and discuss whiteness and the sense of privilege that comes with it, and connect with the Latino and African-American cultures/communities through world drumming and using Orff and other classroom instruments. They also teach a lesson or unit that demonstrates an understanding of culturally sensitive approaches to teaching, observe minority populations, and examine their own inherent assumptions about students and urban communities. A qualitative design is used to collect data through written reflections and journals, audio and videotaping and lesson plan development and implementation.
Raz Steward, Psychology; Mark Vegter, English; Jennifer Frobish, Honors,College of Business; Kathy Schmidt
Academic advising is an integral part of teaching and learning at Illinois State University, and professional development and training for academic advisors promotes sustainable teaching and learning. Our poster will describe initiatives and programming developed by the Academic Advisor Advisory Council’s Professional Development and Training committee, which serves as the impetus for the sustainability of excellence in academic advising at Illinois State University. The primary goal of this committee is to engage advisors and constituents in a professional development process which provides forums for professional growth. These forums include constructs such as advising as teaching, utilization of the advising syllabus, career development and advising, and learning outcomes of advising. Opportunities also include training topics such as campus resources and referral information, new technologies for advising and unit updates. Moreover, nationally recognized experts in the field of academic advising are invited to participate in on-campus professional development events. The development of an advising mentorship program, advisor reading groups, continuing education recognition, and development of advising portfolios are among the committee’s future goals.
Temba Bassoppo-Moyo, Curriculum and Instruction
During the past decade, a proliferation of Course Management Systems (CMS) such as Blackboard, WebCT, eCollege, Elluminate, etc. have been offered as instructional tools for supplementing learning. These software solutions have been widely marketed to and adopted by colleges and universities across the country, sometimes without a clear understanding of their individual attributes or delivery capacity. In this presentation we explore the reengineering of a hybrid online graduate-level course in Educational Technology (CI 401: Instructional Media and Technology) as it becomes ‘full-jacket’ online through the Blackboard CMS. This course, which is offered every semester, was completely reengineered in spring 2009 by adopting online course structure and presentation strategies as well as course communication and assessment tools uniquely attributed to the Blackboard CMS. Feedback provided by students from the previous two semesters was compared to feedback provided by students who took the reengineered course in the spring and summer semesters of 2009. This presentation discusses the results and recommendations of the study that was part of a project supported by a CTLT Teaching and Learning Development Grant.
Lydia Kyei-Blankson, EAF
More and more institutions are adopting course management systems such as Blackboard, WebCT, and Moodle to deliver some or all of their course content online. Course management systems include a set of features that instructors can select and use to add materials in the form of audio, video, and text files to enhance student learning. In addition, tools for asynchronous and synchronous communication are integrated to encourage student engagement and interaction with peers as well as the instructor. Allen and Seaman (2008) categorized such courses as either online (80-100% of the materials and interaction are online), hybrid/blended (30-79% of the materials and interaction are online) or web-enhanced (about 29% of the materials and interaction are online). In this study, a mixed method approach was utilized to investigate students’ views and experiences with the use of Blackboard in a web-enhanced graduate level course. The study has implications for improving pedagogical approaches to optimize learning in web-enhanced courses.
Diane Byers, Biological Sciences; Cynthia Moore, Biological Sciences
Today’s students are comfortable with social interaction and information retrieval using the Internet. Instructors can harness student enthusiasm for electronic interaction by developing activities such as “Webquests,” where students find resources to address inquiry-based research questions by searching the Internet and other electronic sources. Students further engage in peer-to-peer learning and group problem-solving through the use of interactive websites such as wikis. We have used these approaches as part of a botany class (BSC 212, Principles of Botany) to allow students to identify and assess the problems facing native plants given predicted altered environment conditions with climate change. Students worked in small groups, where each student chose a scientific perspective to apply to the group’s assigned topic area. Initially, students used the Internet to gather information about climate change impact. Links to resources, students’ summaries and their comments were all posted on a class wiki site, allowing the continual exchange of information. In constructing the wikis, students addressed open-ended questions about the application of this information for preservation of Weston prairie. We will demonstrate how this multiple-layered approach facilitated not only student understanding of biology content, but also the critical thinking skills necessary to gather reliable information from electronic sources. Elisa Palmer and Mickayla Van Hoveln of Biological Sciences also contributed to this project.